[holding answer 26 June 2007]: It is not the practice of the Government to make public details of travel arrangements of foreign governments.
[holding answer 26 June 2007]: It is not the practice of the Government to make public details of travel arrangements by foreign governments. The fees for the use of RAF Brize Norton by aircraft HZ-124 since 1 July 2006 were waived in accordance with the regulations in Chapter 7, Annex F of Joint Service Publication 360, which govern the waiver of charges for the use of military airfields by British and foreign civil and military aircraft.
The hon. Member may also wish to note that my answer of the 21 May 2007, Official Report, column 1053W, was incorrect and should have read:
Since 1 July 2006, aircraft HZ 124 has landed 15 times at RAF Brize Norton. The aircraft operated in accordance with the MOD regulations for civil aircraft use of military airfields. The regulations also cover the applicability and level of landing, housing, parking and insurance fees charges. The regulations have been adhered to for each flight.