The Department provides a central budget for cycling which since 2005-06 has been the responsibility of Cycling England.
The details are:
Resource/revenue Capital 2005-06 1.8 3.2 2006-07 4.0 6.0
It is not possible to provide a split of funding between capital and revenue/resource for earlier years but central expenditure on cycling was as follows and largely related to capital expenditure.
£ million 2002-03 2.2 2003-04 2.2 2004-05 10.5
Funds in 2002-03 and 2003-04 were for our Cycling Projects Fund while funds in 2004-05 supported additional safe links to school and additional cycle parking at rail stations. In addition the Department provides revenue/resource funds through its Road Safety Grant Challenge Scheme. Details of the cycling grants awarded were as follows:
£ 2002-03 8,473 2003-04 2,676 2004-05 19,800 2005-06 0 2006-07 4.600
The majority of expenditure on cycling is spent by local highway authorities who receive capital funding from the Department through the Local Transport Plan system since 2001-02. We have no information on revenue spending. English authorities outside London have informed the Department that their investment in cycle facilities is as follows for the last five years:
£ million 2001-02 29.6 2002-03 39.9 2003-04 32.1 2004-05 40.0 2005-06 34.1
London boroughs also receive funding from the Department via a block settlement through Transport for London (TfL) and with other revenue streams. TfL has advised the Department that their investment in cycling facilities since 2001-02 is as follows and that around 80 per cent. of this money has been spent on physical infrastructure much of it to support the London Cycle Network+.
£ million 2001-02 12.5 2002-03 11.6 2003-04 12.7 2004-05 13.1 2005-06 18.3