The information requested is shown in the following tables.
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Convicted (on at least one count) 7,322 10,600 16,482 Acquitted (all counts) 1,194 1,733 2,781 Total 8,516 12,333 19,263 Percentage conviction rate 86.0 85.9 85.6 1 Figures refer to prosecutions conducted by the Department of the Director of Public Prosecutions/Public Prosecution Service only. The increase in caseload over the period 2004-05 to 2006-07 may be attributed to the implementation of the Public Prosecution Service, commencing with a Pilot Project in South Belfast Police District (from 1 December 2003). 2 It should be noted that the calculation of the percentage conviction rate has been amended to bring the service into line with the Crown Prosecution Service in England and Wales. The main change is focused on the category ‘acquitted’ which now includes defendants in respect of whom all charges were withdrawn prior to commencement of trial. The conviction rate figures quoted above therefore differ from those quoted previously in the 2005-06 PPS annual report.
2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Convicted (on at least one count) 1,409 1,333 1,434 Acquitted (all counts)1 221 207 215 Total 1,630 1,540 1,649 Percentage conviction rate 86.4 86.6 87.0 1 Includes the following outcome categories: ‘Crown offered no evidence’, ‘Prosecution stayed’ and ‘Not to be proceeded with’.