In 2005, the latest year for which figures have been published, it was estimated that 52.5 million cubic metres of wood raw material equivalent was imported and 8.6 million cubic metres was produced in the UK.
Exports, including materials produced from both imported and domestically grown timber for use or re-use outside the UK, were 16.5 million cubic metres of wood raw material equivalent, so UK apparent consumption was 44.6 million cubic metres. Imports therefore made up 81 per cent. of apparent consumption.
Around one third of the wood products imported to the UK in 2005 were imported as softwood (round and sawn). A further one third were imported as paper, 15 per cent. were imported as wood based panels and 13 per cent. as pulp. Paper (20 per cent.) and recovered paper (57 per cent.) accounted for the majority of exports of wood products from the UK in 2005.