The ‘Audit Commission Review of the NHS Financial Management and Accounting Regime' was published on 26 July 2006.
The Department of Health announced the reversal of RAB deductions and the replacement of cash brokerage with a formal system of loans for NHS trusts on 28 March 2007. This was done in agreement with HM Treasury.
The Treasury fully introduced resource accounting and budgeting to Government Departments in 2001 with the Resource Accounting Manual (RAM) and other guidance made available to Departments. HM Treasury also provided resource accounting and budgeting training. The Government Financial Reporting Manual has now replaced the Resource Accounting Manual and is available at:
The Department of Health introduced a version of resource accounting and budgeting to the NHS. Guidance on introduction of RAB was issued to the NHS by the Department of Health in 2000 and consolidated guidance was issued in February 2001.