The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) does not hold data on all employers that recruit apprentices as contracts may be with a training provider which in turn has arrangements with employers. However information is available on the 10 employers who hold the largest contracts directly with the LSC for their apprenticeship funded provision—this is shown in table 1.
Table 2 shows the 10 sectors that offer the largest number of apprenticeships and the numbers of young people in learning in those sectors in June 2007.
Employer Total in learning (at June 2007) Directorate of Educational and Training Services (Army) 5,759 Royal Air Force 2,347 Naval Recruiting and Training Agency 2,320 Carillion Construction Limited 1,682 TUI UK Limited 717 BAE Systems plc 633 Vodafone UK Limited 449 British Gas Services Limited 413 Land Rover 347 The Football Association Premier League Limited 338 Total 15,004
A26 code Sector framework Advanced apprenticeship Apprenticeship Total 116 Construction 4,690 21,414 26,104 106 Engineering 15,411 8,295 23,706 217 Hairdressing 3,853 17,911 21,764 105 Electrotechnical 15,353 1,233 16,586 104 Children’s Care Learning and Development 7,778 7,863 15,651 102 Business Administration 4,687 10,112 14,799 220 Hospitality and Catering 4,007 10,360 14,367 263 Customer Service 4,225 9,997 14,222 328 Vehicle Maintenance and Repair 3,110 8,005 11,115 117 Plumbing 4,746 5,076 9,822
The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) uses individual learner level data to calculate overall apprenticeship framework achievement rates. Over the past few years the framework achievement rates have increased dramatically from 24 per cent. in 2001-02 to 59 per cent. so far in 2006-07. Framework completion relates to achievement of elements—NVQ, technical certificate, key skills and employer rights and responsibilities. Apprentices who do not achieve all elements are not counted as full achievements but may well have completed one or more of the components including a vocational qualification. The LSG does not collect data on all the reasons for non-completion, or circumstances of partial completion, of full apprenticeship frameworks.
Estimates of the cost of non-completion, or partial completion, of apprenticeship frameworks could only be obtained by analysis of individual learner data and at disproportionate cost.