The Northern Ireland Office is playing a supporting role in an initiative led by the Department for Health, Social Services and Public Safety to combat sexual violence. The Department for Health, Social Services and Public Safety is leading the prevention and support aspect of the initiative, which involves measures to better enable women to protect themselves from rape.
In addition PSNI is also committed to adopting a pro-active multi-agency approach to tackling sexual violence, and to making resources available wherever possible. PSNI is currently working in partnership with Women’s Aid, Northern Ireland to enhance the education of women in how to protect themselves from sexual assault.
It has long been recognised that serious sexual offences are often part of domestic violence, either against a current or previous intimate partner. Police officers attend various Women’s Aid, Community-based advocacy and outreach services providing practical advice and support to those present regarding personal safety.
Also, given the number of licensed premises across Northern Ireland, particularly in city centres, and with alcohol misuse contributing at times to incidents of sexual assault, various initiatives such as the ‘Get Home Safe’ campaign, the issuing of personal alarms in certain areas, and the ongoing advice provided by PSNI Crime Prevention Officers have all contributed to educating women in relation to their personal safety.