The primary mechanism for advice and support is from the Forestry Commission whose role includes giving practical advice to woodland owners, and producing a range of woodland and forestry related publications. The Forestry Commission’s research agency, Forest Research, provides specialist technical advice directly and through publications and seminars which are open to all in the forestry and woodland sector.
Individuals, commercial companies, professional bodies and other organisations also offer advice training and support. Nationally these include the Small Woods Association, the Royal Forestry Society and the Institute of Chartered Foresters. There are also a number of local and regional woodland initiatives and projects that provide assistance in various ways.
LANTRA the sector skills council for the environmental and land based sector includes forestry and arboriculture in their remit. It runs formal accredited training schemes, as do the National Proficiency Test Council.
There are proposals in the Regional Implementation Plans for the new Rural Development Programme for England, which if approved, will aid the provision of advice, training and support for local and small woodland businesses.