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Military Attaches

Volume 463: debated on Monday 23 July 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Defence pursuant to the Answer to the hon. Member for Aldershot (Mr. Howarth) of 7 February 2007, Official Report, columns 924-6W, on military attaches, what the total cost is of maintaining the attaché/adviser network; and what the value is of the Foreign Office contribution to the cost which is being withdrawn. (150178)

[holding answer 18 July 2007]: The total cost to the MOD of maintaining the attaché/adviser network was £38.7 million for financial year 2006-07.

The FCO are establishing the cost of the Defence Attaché network to them in financial year 2006-07. Exact figures are not yet available, however, it is estimated that the amount is in the region of £10 million.