The data are not available in the form requested. Antisocial behaviour (ASB) is not measured by incidents but through a measure of perceptions using the British Crime Survey (BCS). The size of the sample in the British Crime Survey means that we cannot provide reliable data for geographical areas smaller than police force areas. Due to changes in the measure of antisocial behaviour, police force area data comparable to the national figures are only available for 2004-05 to 2006-07, and the national measure of perceptions of ASB only back to 2001-02.
Statistics regarding incidents of antisocial behaviour are not collected centrally in the police recorded crime statistics. It is the substantive result of an action of ASB that will be recorded by the police e.g. criminal damage.
The following table sets out the national BCS figures for the last six years and the comparable figure for Hampshire police force area.
National (Percentage) Hampshire police force area (Percentage) Statistically significantly different (at the 95 per cent. level) from the national average 2001-02 19 — — 2002-03 21 — — 2003-04 16 — — 2004-05 17 18 No 2005-06 17 13 No 2006-07 18 15 No Note: The measure of antisocial behaviour used is based on a scale constructed from seven questions on problems due to noisy neighbours or loud parties, teenagers and young people hanging around, rubbish and litter, vandalism, people using or dealing drugs, people being drunk or rowdy and abandoned cars (see background notes for more details).