The available information is given in the following tables and relates to the Eastbourne Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (CDRP) area and the Sussex police force area as a whole. Data specifically for East Sussex are not available.
Eastbourne CDRP Sussex police force area 1997 n/a 10,862 n/a = Not available.
Eastbourne CDRP Sussex police force area 1998-99 n/a 11,026 1999-2000 n/a 9,596 2000-01 665 8,498 2001-02 667 7,618 n/a Not available. Notes: 1. The coverage was extended and counting rules revised from 1998-99. Figures from that date are not directly comparable with those for 1997. 2. The data in this table are prior to the introduction of the National Crime Recording Standard. These figures are not directly comparable with those for later years.
Eastbourne CDRP Sussex police force area 2002-03 667 8,209 2003-04 843 7,920 2004-05 545 6,836 2005-06 431 5,709 2006-07 394 4,556 Note: The data in this table take account of the introduction of the National Crime Recording Standard in April 2002. These figures are not directly comparable with those for earlier years.