During the last 12 months (for the period 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2007) the Home Office, including the Border and Immigration Agency, the Identity and Passport Service and the Criminal Records Bureau, has received nine official complaints of racial discrimination and racial harassment (racial abuse is not a category within the Home Office bullying, harassment and discrimination policy) from staff against their colleagues, all of which were investigated. Fewer than five of the complaints were upheld, and specific information about those individuals is withheld on grounds of confidentiality.
The Border and Immigration Agency also received 50 complaints regarding allegations of racism from customers against its staff, all of which were investigated. Fewer than five of the complaints were upheld, and this information is therefore withheld on grounds of confidentiality.
All employees have a duty to respect the dignity of others at work, be mindful of the effect their behaviour may have on colleagues, and ensure their own conduct does not breach the provisions of the Home Office bullying, harassment and discrimination policy.
Under the policy, line managers are responsible for maintaining a workplace that is free from bullying, harassment and discrimination, confronting unacceptable behaviour and dealing promptly, sensitively and confidently with any issues that come to their attention.