Sport England operates at regional level through nine regional offices. Sport England South East covers the East Sussex area.
The table shows the Exchequer and Lottery funding which the Sport England South East Regional Office has awarded to East Sussex in the last five years to support and promote sporting activities and projects.
Lottery Awards are made on the basis of merit in response to applications so funding levels will fluctuate over time and depending on the quality of projects that come forward seeking funding.
Financial year Lottery (£) Exchequer (£) 2003-04 0 17,200 2004-05 1,710,039 173,875 2005-06 638,449 440,300 2006-07 0 253,392 Grand total 2,348,488 884,767
The total award budget for Sport England South East region 2007-08 is:
Exchequer: £1.9 million
Lottery: £12.4 million
Projected funding for the 2008-09 financial year will not be known until the outcome of the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review.