DWP was formed in June 2001. The following table provides spend on external consultants in each year, broken down between management and IT consultancy and includes spend on legal consultancy for 2006-07. Totals prior to 2006-07 could be obtained only by incurring disproportionate costs.
Description 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 Management consultancy 23.79 47.57 223.35 98.64 77.59 116.77 IT consultancy 70.67 93.47 83.37 69.73 52.70 45.85 Legal — — — — — 16.40 1 Costs inclusive of VAT
For the second part of this question management information records are only available since April 2004. Contracts for consultancy related services with a total value of over £10 million awarded since this date are in the following table.
Supplier Contract value Booz Allen Hamilton 86.79 IBM UK Ltd 49.68 Capgemini UK plc 26.25 PA Consulting Services Limited 25.58 Deloitte MCS Limited 10.31