Data showing the proportion of those convicted for a burglary committed in Surrey from 2001 to 2005 who received a custodial sentence are shown in the following table. Data are provided for all ages and for defendants aged under 21 years when convicted.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Found guilty—all ages 206 197 188 231 225 Found guilty—aged under 21 88 69 78 82 90 Number found guilty given a custodial sentence—all ages 109 88 73 102 84 Number found guilty given a custodial sentence—aged under 21 30 19 20 17 20 Percentage of those found guilty given a custodial sentence—all ages 53 45 39 44 37 Percentage of those found guilty given a custodial sentence—aged under 21 34 28 26 21 22 1 These data are on the principal offence basis. 2 Every effort is made to ensure that the figures presented are accurate and complete. However, it is important to note that these data have been extracted from large administrative data systems generated by the courts and police forces. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when those data are used. Source: Court proceedings database held by RDS—Office for Criminal Justice Reform, Ministry of Justice.