The total number of prison officers employed in the public sector Prison Service on 31 August 2007 was 25,200. This figure will rise in line with increased capacity within the estate (subject to planning permission for new sites) and will increase prison officer numbers by a total of 1,491 over the next four years. Assuming that the current staffing figure remains broadly constant the projected staffing figures will be as follows by 31 March of each year:
Anticipated total prison officers Including anticipated new vacancies 2008 25,688 488 2009 26,081 393 2010 26,149 68 2011 26,460 311 2012 26,691 231
Figures shown in the third column of the table show the additional number of prison officers required to open new accommodation in each of the financial years shown. These figures are provisional and may be subject to change. (Prison officer figures include all grades of uniformed officer). The Prison Service has no projected figures for 2012 and beyond.