On 7 July the Prime Minister announced a £14 million package of immediate support to help local authorities and communities in flood hit areas.
The package comprises of three elements:
£10 million Flood Recovery Grant scheme from Communities and Local Government for the hardest hit local authorities in flood affected areas;
£3 million from Department for Transport to meet claims from local authorities for help with the cost of repairing roads and bridges; and
£1 million which can be drawn on as contingency reserve by the Department for Work and Pensions for use by Jobcentre Plus to support additional demand for Social Fund Community Care Grants.
£10 million in Flood Recovery Grant has already been released to local authorities affected by the June Floods to support their work in helping those in greatest and most immediate need get back on their feet. Thirty nine authorities in total received a payment under the June scheme (full details on the grant paid is available on the CLG website www.communities. gov.uk/floodrecovery). Local authorities have been awarded this grant on the basis of the relative number of households affected (based on available information at the time). It is up to the local authorities to spend the money how they wish in line with local priorities.
The Department for Transport (DFT) has appointed consultants who will work with authorities and advise on the preparation of claims for emergency capital funding support for repairs to bridges and roads. Some work will require detailed assessments to be carried out, which are likely to take authorities a short while. Consequently, no money has yet been distributed. Initial estimates for the local authorities affected by the June and July floods have been requested by 17 September 2007. However authorities are encouraged not to delay urgent remedial work. The cost of repairs will not be excluded from consideration because they proceeded a claim.
As of 7 September, the Department for Work and Pensions had paid Community Care Grants totalling £653,000 to people on qualifying benefits to meet the cost of replacing essential household items. Community Care Grants are non repayable grants to help to support vulnerable people living in the community. For example they can help people remain in the community rather than enter care or to ease exceptional pressures on families. An applicant must be in receipt of income support, income based job seekers allowance or pension credit.
Region Number of applications Number of payments made Total cost (£) Yorkshire and Humber 1,562 1,112 631,377.87 South East 18 13 7,705.69 South West 42 32 13,842.97 Total 1,622 1,157 652,926.53