[holding answer 10 September 2007]: Data on (a) the lower quartile house price for new dwellings sold, (b) the number of new homes built and (c) the number of new affordable homes built in each government office region and for England are presented in the following table. Affordable housing supply figures are available by financial year only.
(a) LQ house price for new dwellings sold in 20061 (£) (b) Total number of new homes built in 20062 (c) Number of new homes built in 2005-06 which are classified as affordable3,4 North East 122,075 7,658 945 North West 123,995 18,563 2,036 Yorkshire and The Humber 119,995 15,490 1,758 East Midlands 122,950 16,906 2,532 West Midlands 126,000 14,873 3,758 East 152,950 21,617 4,155 London 208,218 20,472 7,016 South East 169,000 26,985 6,894 South West 141,500 18,197 3,995 England 137,000 160,761 33,089 1Source: HM Land Registry 2Source: National House Building Council, local authorities P2 returns 3Source: Housing Corporation, local authorities P2 returns, private developers 4 Affordable housing includes both social rent and intermediate housing (e.g. low cost home ownership).
In addition to the numbers of new build affordable homes shown in the table above a further 11,834 affordable homes were supplied through the acquisition of dwellings from the private sector stock.