From the commencement of smokefree legislation in England on Sunday, 1 July 2007 levels of compliance have been very high.
Levels of compliance are fully in line with the Department’s expectations set out in the regulatory impact assessment for the legislation which are based on the experiences of other jurisdictions that have introduced comprehensive smokefree legislation.
Based on data collected from local authorities across England 98.7 per cent. of premises and vehicles required to be smokefree inspected in August were found to be fully compliant with the law. Full information is published at:
A small number of formal enforcement actions have been taken by local authorities, with 45 fixed penalty notices issued (26 in one area) and three court actions having been taken in the period 1 July to 31 August 2007.
Smokefree legislation is supported by over three-quarters of people in England and the high levels of compliance to date is an clear indication that the objective of the new law—to protect people from secondhand smoke is being met.