Funding for the Building Schools for the Future programme involves a mix of capital grant, supported borrowing and PFI credits. The programme over the current spending review period consisted of the following budgets for waves 1 to 3.
2005-06 wave 1 2006-07 wave 2 2007-08 wave 3 Total BSF funding 1.98 2.17 2.24 Of which: Capital grant 0.19 0.82 0.81 Supported borrowing 0.59 0.10 0.13 PFI 1.20 1.25 1.30
In terms of expenditure to date, £27 million of capital grant was paid in 2005-06 and £106 million in 2006-07. This is in addition to £43 million paid in 2004-05 for ‘early win’ BSF projects.
Supported borrowing allocations are shown in terms of the amount of proposed capital investment. These allocations provide for revenue support to local authorities to enable them to borrow to invest—the revenue is an integral part of local authorities’ settlements, calculated by Communities and Local Government.
Around £3.4 billion of the available PFI credits have been allocated to projects so far, although these projects are in various stages of development.