Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the HM Revenue & Customs total DEL will be increased by £76,487,000 from £4,547,630,000 to £4,624,117,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 91,487 -15,000 4,146,645 393,013 4,539,658 Of which: Administration Budget1 92,487 -15,000 4,396,533 45,047 4,441,607 Near-cash in RDEL1 63,227 -15,000 3,770,975 427,161 4,198,136 Capital2 - - 263,971 3,739 267,710 Less Depreciation3 - - -183,251 - -183,251 Total DEL 91,487 -15,000 4,227,365 396,752 4,624,117 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of DEL arises from:
£44,500,000 administration costs, from the Modernisation Fund to modernise and transform HMRC.
£30,000,000 administration near cash costs, from the DEL Reserve to expand call centre capacity.
£1,587,000 administration near cash costs transferred from the Cabinet Office in respect of Parliamentary Counsel Office Funding.
£1,400,000 take up of end year flexibility (EYF) in accordance with the Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper (CM 7156). This is from programme expenditure EYF, agreed to be spent as administration costs.
£1,000,000 programme near cash expenditure transferred to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).
The change in the administration budget arises from the changes detailed in the resource element above excluding the £1,000,000 programme transfer to SOCA.