Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Children, Schools and Families Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be decreased by £14,106,193,000 from £64,665,498,000 to £50,559,305,000, the administration cost budget will be decreased by £45,221,000 from £237,698,000 to £192,477,000. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) which has a separate Estimate and DEL, will be increased by £16,790,000 from £205,000,000 to £221,790,000 the administration cost budget will be increased by £485,000 from £28,470,000 to £28,955,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Ofwhich: Voted Non-voted Change New DEL Ofwhich: Voted Non- voted £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 RfRl -12,934,650 43,318,471 42,329,619 988,852 -1,166,643 5,296,255 3,835,171 1,461,084 RfR2 -4,900 1,223,054 1,223,054 0 0 531,425 531,425 0 RfR3 0 190,100 190,100 0 0 0 0 0 DCSF Total -12,939,550 44,731,625 43,742,773 988,852 -1,166,643 5,827,680 4,366,596 1,461,084 OFSTED 16,409 220,809 220,809 0 381 981 981 0 Sub Total -12,923,141 44,952,434 43,963,582 988,852 -1,166,262 5,828,661 4,367,577 1,461,084 Of which Admin Budget1 -44,736 221,432 221,432 0 0 0 0 0 Near-cash in RDEL -11,498,273 44,965,105 43,941,361 1,023,744 0 0 0 0 Depreciation3 24,200 -11,099 -9,943 -1,156 0 0 0 0 Total -12,898,941 44,941,335 43,953,639 987,696 -1,166,262 5,828,661 4,367,577 1,461,084 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Within the Administration Cost budget changes, the impact is set out in the following table:
DfES Original Change Revised £'000 £'000 £'000 DfES (RfRl) 237,698 -45,221 192,477 OFSTED 28,470 485 28,955 Total 266,168 -44,736 221,432
Department for Children, Schools and Families
Resource DEL
The decrease in the resource element of the DEL of £12,939,550,000 arises from an increase in the voted element of the resource DEL of £3,950,322,000 and a decrease of £16,889,872,000 in the non-voted element of resource DEL mainly in the Department's Non-Departmental Public Bodies.
Voted Resource DEL
The £3,950,322,000 increase in the voted element of the resource DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes, a net movement of £4,297,101,000 from non-voted resource DEL to fund departmental programmes through the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), a transfer of £25,600,000 from the Home Office for the Respect programmes.
A movement from RfR2, £2,400,000 in respect of Early Years in Maintained schools.
A movement of £373,089,000 to non-voted resource DEL to support the machinery of government change.
A draw down from central funds of £4,661,000 to match departmental non-cash DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
A transfer from the Cabinet Office £549,000 administration for the Parliamentary Council Office.
A transfer to the Department of Culture, Media and Sports £2,000,000 for Museum and Galleries.
A movement of £2,400,000 to RfRl in respect of Early Years in Maintained schools.
A movement of £2,500,000 to non-voted resource DEL in respect of the National College for Schools Leadership.
Non-voted resource DEL
The £16,889,872,000 decrease in Non-voted resource DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes, a net movement of £17,247,858,000 to DIUS.
A transfer of £15,924,000 to the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) to take on the role of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate.
A movement of £373,089,000 from voted resource DEL to support the machinery of government change.
A movement of £2,500,000 from RfR2 for the National College for Schools Leadership.
Giving up to central funds £1,679,000 to match departmental non-cash DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
Capital DEL
The decrease in the capital element of the DEL of £1,166,643,000 arises from a £458,447,000 increase in the voted element of capital DEL and a decrease of £1,625,090,000 in the non-voted element of capital DEL.
Voted Capital DEL
The £458,477,000 decrease in the voted element of the capital DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes, an increase in voted DEL of £456,700 as part of the exercise to move provision to DIUS.
Technical adjustment to move £1,234,000 to non-voted to match departmental capital DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
A technical adjustment to move £2,981,000 from non-voted capital DEL to match agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
Non-voted Capital DEL
The £1,625,090,000 decrease in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:
A net movement of £1,622,962,000 to DIUS following the machinery of government changes.
A transfer of £381,000 to the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) to take on the role of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate.
Technical adjustment to move £1,234,000 from voted to match departmental capital DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
A technical adjustment to move £2,981,000 to voted capital DEL to match agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
Administration Cost Budget
Following the machinery of government changes, a transfer of £43,450,000 to DIUS.
Following the machinery of government changes, a transfer of £1,400,000 from the Home Office for the Respect programme.
Reclassification of £3,720,000 from administration costs to programme expenditure for the Academy programme.
A transfer of £549,000 from the Cabinet Office for the Parliamentary Council Office.
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
Voted Resource DEL
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £485,000 from the Ministry of Justice for the inspection of the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service.
A transfer of £15,924,000 from DCSF for inspection services relating to work-based learning and training and adult community learning.
Voted Capital DEL
A transfer of £381,000 from DCSF to meet IT and accommodation costs associated with inspection services relating to work-based learning and training and adult community learning.
Administration Cost Budget
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £485,000 from the Ministry of Justice for the inspection of the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service.