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Departmental Expenditure

Volume 467: debated on Thursday 15 November 2007

Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Communities and Local Government's Departmental Expenditure Limits for 2007-08 will change as follows:

1. The Department for Communities and Local Government's Main Programmes DEL will be increased by £162,822,000 from £10,211,203,000 to £10,374,025,000 and the administration budget will also be increased by £5,245,000 from £290,762,000 to £296,007,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:















Of which:

Administration budget1




Near-cash in RDEL
























1 The total of ‘Administration budget' and ‘Near-cash in resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL due to the definitions overlapping.

2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets

3 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

(i) take up of End Year Flexibility of £49,894,000 comprising :

Programme Expenditure

(a) £1,476,000 from the Invest to Save Budget comprising £463,000 for a project for Homelessness; £682,000 for the Transactional European Regional Development Fund and State- Aid project and £331,000 for the Cheshire Project for Fire Services

(b) £1,048,000 for Home Buying and Selling;

(c) £2,015,000 for Procurement Efficiency and Social Housing programme;

(d) £4,000,000 for Safer and Stronger Communities Fund;

(e) £6,500,000 for the non voted Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) start up costs, The money is subsequently to be transferred to the Government Equalities Office;

(f) £8,265,000 for New Deal for Communities;

(g) £382,000 for Disabled Facilities Grant;

(h) £13,390,000 for Local Area Agreements;

(i) £9,818,000 to fund staff early exits in the central Department and the Government Offices,

Administration costs

(j) £3,000,000 for central administration costs to cover the work of the Department for Communities and Local Government.

(ii) a transfer of £1,700,000 from Fire Publicity- (Main DEL) Request for Resources (RfR 1) to Best Value Inspection (Local Government DEL -RfR2) to support Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment Inspection work on Fire and Rescue Authorities.

(iii) a transfer of £10,000.000 to Resource from Capital for flood recovery.

(iv) a net transfer of £60,704,000 to other Government Departments, comprising:

To Other Government Departments

Programme Expenditure

(a) £62,949,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes moving funding for the Commission for Equality and Human Rights and other Equalities functions to the Government Equalities Office (GEO).

Administration Costs (Central Department)

(b) £4,526,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes comprising £641,000 to the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (DBERR) for regional policy administrative functions and £3,885,000 to the Government Equalities Office for Equalities functions.

From Other Government Departments

Administration Costs (Central Department)

(c) £806,000 from the former Deputy Prime Minister's Office to cover staff transferring back to the Department;

(d) £538,000 to reflect the transfer of £125,000 from the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform for outstanding staff and accommodation costs from previous Machinery of Government changes and £413,000 from the Cabinet Office for the work of Parliamentary Counsel.

Administration Costs (Government Offices)

(e) £624,000 from the Department for Transport as a contribution to costs of staff early exits;

(f) £4,039,000 from the Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs for work on their core agenda; and

(g) £764,000 from the Cabinet Office for work by the Government Offices for the Office of the Third Sector.

(v) an increase in receipts of £576,383,000 offsetting increases in provision of £553,217,000 for Local Area Agreements; £2,260,000 for Ordnance Survey trading fund; £120,000 for Residential Property Tribunal Service; £1,140,000 for Adult Facing Chronic Exclusion;£250,000 for Community Empowerment £5,000,000 for Payments for Data Mapping Services; £14,861,000 for Government Offices; £1,106,000 for Central Administration other current expenditure and £206,000 for Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and reduction of £490,000 for Emergency Fire Service and £1,287,000 for Fire Services

(vi) a net transfer of £11,844,000 from voted to non voted provision comprising:

From voted to non-voted provision

(a) £3,100,000 from Other Growth Areas direct funding to the non-voted West Northamptonshire Urban Development Corporation budget, reflecting their role in delivering Other Growth Area projects.

(b) £10,100,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to non voted Thurrock Urban Development Corporation (£5,000,000) and London UDC (£5,100,000) budgets for Thames Gateway projects;

(c) £2,557,000 (non cash) from the Central Administration budget to non-voted programme Departmental Unallocated Provision to offset increase in administration near cash budgets.

(d) £300,000 to non voted Housing Corporation towards the National Register of Social Housing (NROSH) project.

(e) £2,000,000 from Energy Performance Certificates to the non voted Housing Corporation budget to allow the corporation to run a programme for the Registered Social Landlords sector for issuing Energy Performance Certificates following the launch of Home Information Packs on 1 August 2007;

(f) £1,006,000 from various programmes to the non-voted Housing Corporation budget to cover the Housing Corporation's increasing pension costs through the Westminster Pension Fund;

(g) £190,000 from housing management grants to the non-voted Leasehold advisory service (LEASE) budget to enable them to meet existing commitments.

From non- voted to voted provision

(h) £7,409,000 from Departmental Unallocated Provision to voted programme comprising £1,255,000 to National Register of Social Housing to cover non cash costs; £500,000 to Coalfields Enterprise Fund to cover the cost of capital: £3,000,000 to E-planning to meet cost of capital charges and depreciation; £1,445,000 to Thames Gateway to cover previously unbudgeted non-cash costs; £143,000 to Residential Property Tribunal Service to cover unforeseen non-cash costs; £190,000 to supporting people administration to cover forecast cost of capital and depreciation charges and £876,000 to Fire Service College.

The change in the administration budget arises from a take up of End of Year Flexibility of £3,000,000 (see above section (i)) to cover the work of the central Department ; a net transfer from other Government Departments of £2,245,000 (see above section (iv)).

The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from

(vii) a take up of EYF of £241,295,000 comprising :

Programme Expenditure

(a) £4,000,000 for Thames Gateway ;

(b) £80,000,000 for Gap Funding for Large Scale Voluntary Transfers;

(c) £500,000 for Coalfield Regeneration Trust;

(d) £282,000 for European Regional Development Fund from the Invest to Save Budget;

(e) £1,500,000 for Gypsy Site Grant;

(f) £2,949,000 for Housing Market Renewal Fund;

(g) £9,500,000 for New Deal for Communities;

(h) £6,184,000 for Disabled Facilities Grant (a demand led grant);

(i) £7,000,000 for Commission for Equalities and Human Rights start up costs; money to be transferred subsequently to Government Equalities Office;

(j) £2,929,000 for Local Area Agreements;

(k) £7,000,000 as part of the floods recovery package;

(1) £80,451,000 to transfer to the Department for Culture Media and Sport in respect of the Department's contribution towards the Olympics preparation infrastructure costs;

(m) £39,000,000 for Arms Length Management organisations.

(viii) a transfer of £10,000,000 from Capital to Resource for flood recovery;

(ix) a transfer of £13,000,000 to Request for Resources (RFR1) from RFR2 and non voted provision (Local Government DEL) to support the Flood Recovery programme comprising £8,000,000 from Local Government Public Service Agreements and £5,000,000 from the non voted Commutation programme;

(x) a transfer of £87,626.000 to other Government Departments comprising

Programm e Expenditure

(a) £80,451,000 from End of Year Flexibility to the Department for Culture Media and Sport in respect of the Department's contribution towards the Olympics preparation infrastructure costs.

(b) £7,175,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes for the transfer of the equalities functions to Government Equalities Office.

(xi) Within the capital element of the DEL there is a net transfer of £108.482,000 from voted to non voted provision comprising ;

(a) £13,900,000 from Growth Areas direct funding to non-voted West Northamptonshire Urban Development Corporation, reflecting their role in delivering Other Growth Area projects.;

(b) £2,449,000 from Growth Areas to non-voted English Partnerships, mainly for the Bedford Western Bypass;

(c) £4,490,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to the South East of England Development Agency (SEEDA) for Thames Gateway projects;

(d) £1,699,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) for Thames Gateway projects;

(e) £2,100,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to non voted Housing Corporation for Thames Gateway projects;

(f) £10,704,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to English Partnerships for Thames Gateway projects;

(g) £24,150,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to Thurrock UDC for Thames Gateway projects;

(h) £48,990,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to London UDC for Thames Gateway projects;

(2) The Department for Communities and Local Government (Local Government) DEL will be decreased by £11,800,000 from £22,955,916,000 to £22,944,116,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:














Of which:

Administration budget1

Near-cash in RDEL






Capital 2

















1 The total of ‘Administration budget’ and ‘Near-cash in resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total resource DEL due to the definitions overlapping.

2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets

3 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

(i) a transfer of £1,700,000 to Best Value Inspection - Request for Resources (Local Government DEL - RFR2 ) from Fire Publicity (Main DEL - RfRl) to support Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment inspection work on Fire and Rescue Authorities.

(ii) an increase in receipts of £34,000,000 offsetting increases on expenditure comprising of £1,500,000 for Local Government on Line as contribution from the Department for Education and Skills and the Department of Health to support digital challenge; and £32,500,000 for Local Government Public Service Agreements.

The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from

(iii) a transfer of £13,000,000 from Local Government DEL to Main DEL to support the costs of the flood recovery grants comprising £8,000,000 from Local Government Public Service Agreements and £5,000,000 from the non-voted commutation budget.