The available information is shown in the following table.
Information on whether a pupil has a physical disability is not collected centrally.
Total Percentage of half days missed3 Number of day pupils of compulsory school age2 Authorised absence Unauthorised absence Overall absence Pupils with statements of SEN 71,700 8.99 2.48 11.47 Pupils with SEN without statements 501,340 8.80 2.89 11.69 Of which: Pupils at School Action Plus 153,450 10.05 4.05 14.10 Pupils at School Action 347,880 8.25 2.38 10.63 Pupils with SEN (with and without statements) 573,030 8.82 2.84 11.66 Pupils with no identified SEN 2,410,010 6.30 1.06 7.35 Total4 2,983,040 6.82 1.42 8.24 1 Includes middle schools as deemed. 2 Pupil numbers are as at January 2006. Includes pupils aged 5 to 15 with sole and dual (main) registration. Excludes boarders. 4 Includes pupil enrolments for whom information on SEN was missing. Note: Totals may not appear to equal the sum of the component parts because numbers have been rounded to the nearest 10. Source: School Census