As a consequence of budgetary transfers associated with the Winter Supplementary Estimates, the Department for International Development total departmental expenditure limit will be reduced by £4,995,000 from £5,259,352,000 to £5,254,357,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on Resource and Capital is set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non Voted Voted Non Voted Total Resource DEL -73,000 - 4,995 3,810,228 748,889 4,559,117 Of which: Administration Budget1 232,000 232,000 Near-cash in RDEL -73,000 - 4,995 3,724,799 764,939 4,489,738 Capital DEL 73,000 - 716,250 - 716,250 Less Depreciation2 . -21,010 . -21,010 Total DEL - - 4,995 4,505,468 748,889 5,254,357 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The net change in the Resource element of DEL arises from:
£10,000 transferred from the Cabinet Office in respect of DFID's use of the Parliamentary Council's Office.
£1,000,000 transferred to the Home Office; as a contribution to funds for migration projects
A Transfer of Global Conflict Prevention Pool to Foreign and Commonwealth office of £3,000,000 for quick impact projects in Helmand Province Afghanistan.
A Transfer to Department for Culture, Media and Sport for £1,000,000 in relation to the London 2012 International Sport Development Initiative.
A Transfer to Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £5,000 which relates to a shortfall from a previous transfer made relating to Montreal Protocol.
A reduction of £73,000,000 arising from a reclassification of debt relief payments from current grants to capital grants.
The net change in the Capital element of DEL arises from:
An increase of £73,000,000 arising from a reclassification of debt relief payments from current grants to capital grants.