Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Northern Ireland Court Service and The National Archives Total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased as follows:
Total DEL for Ministry of Justice (RfRl, 2 & 3) will be increased by £5,843,241,000 from £3,784,762,000 to £9,628,003,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £189,180,000 from £523,536,000 to £712,716,000.
Total DEL for the Northern Ireland Court Service (NICS) will be reduced by (£1,749,000) from £132,319,000 to £130,570,000 and there is no change in administration budget.
Total DEL for The National Archives (TNA) will be increased by £3,379,000 from £44,161,000 to £47,540,000 and the administration budget will be reduced by (£43,711,000) due to a reclassification from administration to programme budget.
Within the Total DEL change for Ministry of Justice (RfRl, 2 & 3), the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 4,057,099 1,324,762 5,807,626 3,356,562 9,164,188 Of which: Administration Budget1 189,180 0 712,716 0 712,716 Near-cash in RDEL 3,189,394 1,599,549 4,657,358 3,866,348 8,523,706 Capital2 636,913 27,055 771,648 30,055 801,703 Less Depreciation3 -196,635 -5,953 -331,934 -5,954 -337,888 Total 4,497,377 1,345,864 6,247,340 3,380,663 9,628,003 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource and capital element of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) DEL arises from:
RfRl: To promote the development of a modern, fair, cost effective and efficient system of justice for all.
Resource Change; Admin (total increase of £189,133,000)
Machinery of Government Transfers:
Increase of £160,053,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) from the Home Office.
Increase of £18,903,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the Office for Criminal Justice Reform (OCJR) from the Home Office
Increase of £7,909,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of Corporate Services from the Home Office.
Increase of £2,268,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the Privy Council Secretariat and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from the Privy Council Office.
Resource Change: Admin (total decrease of £485.000)
Decrease £485,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the responsibility for the audit of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) by HM Inspectorate of Court Administration, to the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) in the Department of Children Schools and Families.
Resource Change; Programme (total increase of £5,218,287,000
Machinery of Government Transfers:
Increase of £4,485,719,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of NOMS from the Home Office.
Increase of £317,932,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the OCJR from the Home Office.
Increase of £1,027,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of Corporate Services from the Home Office.
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF):
Increase of £70,000,000 in resource in relation to the Modernisation Fund.
Increase of £52,000,000 in resource in relation to funding for the Service Upgrade Project (SUPS), PROGRESS and other Projects.
Increase of £30,000,000 in resource in relation to the Reform and Modernisation Programme (RAMP).
Increase of £28,000,000 in resource in relation to Elections funding.
Other Increases:
Increase of £192,000,000 in resource in relation to an uplift of non-cash in the CSR07 baseline.
Increase of £21,675,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the National Policing Improvement Authority, part of the Home Office to NOMS in relation to NOMIS Project.
Increase of £11,650,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to the Youth Justice Board in relation to the Criminal Justice IT (CJIT) funding.
Increase of £2,563,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to OCJR in relation to CJIT funding.
Increase of £2,470,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to be transferred on to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in relation to CJIT funding.
Increase of £1,561,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office in relation to the Violent Crime Reduction Act.
Increase of £685,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Increase of £774,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the DIUS to NOMS in relation to Learning and Skills costs for Immigration Removal Centres.
Increase of £230,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) to NOMS in relation to Police ICT Academy costs.
Increase of £1,000 in resource in relation to an increase in Grant to the Information Commissioners' Office (ICO).
Resource Change: Programme (total decrease of (£25,606,000)
Other Decreases:
Decrease of £12,783,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation to CJIT funding.
Decrease of £6,270,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the DIUS in relation to prisoner education costs.
Decrease of £2,225,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Department for Communities and Local Government - Government Equalities Office in respect of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights.
Decrease of £1,400,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Home Office in relation to Property Group.
Decrease of £1,291,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation Local Criminal Justice Boards.
Decrease of £635,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Department of Health in relation to prisoner healthcare costs.
Decrease of £539,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation to PROGRESS funding.
Decrease of £245,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Welsh Assembly in relation to the health funds for Wales.
Decrease of £218,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation to violent crime reduction.
Capital Change (total increase of £663,968,000)
Machinery of Government Transfer:
Increase of £512,903,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of NOMS from the Home Office.
Increase of £37,536,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of the OCJR from the Home Office.
Increase of £10,000,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of Corporate Services from the Home Office.
Increase of £87,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of the Privy Council Secretariat and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from the Privy Council Office.
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF):
Increase of £30,000,000 in ring fence capital funding in relation to the Reform and Modernisation Programme (RAMP).
Other Increases:
Increase of £50,000,000 in capital in relation to an uplift in CSR07 baseline.
Increase of £17,482,000 in capital in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to NOMS in relation to CJIT funding.
Increase of £3,960,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to the Youth Justice Board in relation to capital CJIT funding
Increase of £2,000,000 in capital DEL in relation to CORE Capital Grants.
RfR2: Overseeing the effective operation of the devolution settlement in Scotland and representing the interests of Scotland in the UK Government.
Resource Change: Admin (total increase of £56,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £56,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Scottish Parliament in relation to information technology costs.
RIR3: To support the Secretary of State in discharging his role of representing Wales in the UK Government, representing the UK Government in Wales and ensuring the smooth running of the devolution settlement in Wales
Resource Change: Admin (total increase of £476,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £226,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Increase of £220,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Welsh Assembly in relation to a non-cash requirement to cover increased impairment charges.
Increase of £30,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Welsh Assembly in relation to Lords Lieutenant costs.
There is no change in the capital element ofRfR2 and RfR3 DEL
Within the Total DEL change for Northern Ireland Court Service, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL -130 871 53,381 79,799 133,180 Of which: Administration Budget1 0 0 2,311 0 2,311 Near-cash in RDEL -3,630 3,630 38,706 75,928 114,634 Capital 0 10 6,000 10 6,010 Less Depreciation2 -2,500 0 -8,600 -20 -8,620 Total -2.630 881 50,781 79,789 130,570 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource and capital element of the Northern Ireland Court Service (NICS) DEL arises from:
Resource Change: Programme (total increase of £871,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £741,000 in non-voted resource relating to a Machinery of Government transfer from the Northern Ireland Office to cover spending by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel of Northern Ireland when transferred from the Northern Ireland Office on 1 December 2007.
Increase of £130,000 in non-voted resource relating to an increase in the grant in aid paid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.
Resource Change: Programme (total decrease of £130.000)
Other Decreases:
Decrease of £130,000 in resource to finance an increase in grant in aid paid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.
Capital Change (total increase of £10,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £10,000 in capital arises from the transfer of capital spending of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals panel of Northern Ireland when transferred from the Northern Ireland Office on 1 December 2007.
Within the Total DEL change for The National Archives, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 1 0 44,940 0 44,490 Of which: Administration Budget1 -43,711 0 0 0 0 Near-cash in RDEL 0 0 35,471 0 35,471 Capital 4,285 0 7,600 0 7,600 Less Depreciation2 -907 0 -5,000 0 -5,000 Total 3,379 0 47,540 0 47,540 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource and capital element of The National Archives DEL arises from:
Resource Change: Admin (total decrease of £46,015.000)
Other decreases:
Decrease of £42,852,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of Public Records Office following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Decrease of £2,016,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of the Office of Public Sector Information following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Decrease of £1,147,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of Historical Manuscripts Commission following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Appropriation in Aid (A-in-A) Change: Admin (total decrease of £2,304,000)
Decrease of £2,304,000 in A-in-A in relation to a reclassification of income from administration spend to programme.
Resource Change: Programme (total increase of £46,016,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £42,852,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from the administration budget to programme in respect of Public Records Office following a review of the of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Increase of £2,016,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of the Office of Public Sector Information following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Increase of £1,147,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of Historical Manuscripts Commission following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
A token increase in resource of £1,000 reflecting the increase in gross resource of £5,142,000 and an increase in operating Appropriations in Aid (AinA) of £5,141,000 to cover increased service delivery costs and activity.
Appropriation in Aid (A-in-A) Change: Programme (total increase of £2,304,000)
Increase of £2,304,000 in A-in-A in relation to a reclassification of income from admin spend to programme
Capital Change (total increase of £4,285,000)
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF):
Increase of £4,285,000 in capital in relation to improvements to facilities at Kew.