Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the National School of Government departmental expenditure limit (DEL) will be increased by £802,000 from £415,000 to £1,217,000 and the administration costs limit will be £1,217,000. Voted Capital will increase by £401,000 to £1,270,000. These figures reflect a take up of End Year Flexibility from 2006-07 and a transfer of £200,000 from Resource to Capital.
Within the DEL change, the impact of resources and Capital are as set out in the following table:
£’000 Change Voted Total Resource 802 1,217 1,217 Of which: Administration Budget* 802 1,217 1,217 Near-cash in RDEL 802 117 117 Capital** 401 1,270 1,270 Depreciation*** 0 -500 -500 Total 1,203 1,987 1,987 *The total of the ‘Administration Budget' and the ‘Near cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than the total resource DEL, due to definitions overlapping. **Capital DEL includes items treated as resources in Estimates and Accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in Budgets. ***Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.