Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimates, the Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) provision for the administration of the Scotland Office will be increased by £56,000 and the Scotland DEL will be increased by £786,601,000 from £26,270,808,000 to £27,057,409,000.
The administration of the Scotland Office DEL increase takes account of the following routine adjustment:
a transfer of £56,000 from the Scottish Executive
The Scotland DEL increase takes account of the following routine adjustments to the Scottish Executive provision:
the take-up of End Year Flexibility (EYF) by the Scottish Executive amounting to £655,000,000;
The DEL increase also includes the following changes, amounting to a net increase of £155,991,000. These are:
a transfer of £25,947,000 from the Department for Transport;
a classification change in respect of the funding of the Scottish WaterCost of Capital of £130,100,000; and
a transfer of £56,000 to the Scotland Office.
The increases will be added to the planned total of public expenditure to fund spending commitments in the current financial year.