Written Ministerial Statements
Thursday 15 November 2007
Double Taxation Convention (Slovenia)
A new Double Taxation Convention with Slovenia was signed on 13 November 2007. After signature, the text of the Convention was deposited in the Libraries of both Houses and made available on HM Revenue and Customs' website. The text of the Convention will be scheduled to a draft Order in Council and laid before the House of Commons in due course.
Departmental Expenditure (ONS)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Office for National Statistics’ total departmental expenditure limit (DEL) will be increased by £941,000 from £174,237,000 to £175,178,000, and the administration budget will be increased by £1,491,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 941 - 162,504 7,027 169,531 Of which: Administration Budget* 1,491 - 162,504 7,027 169,531 Near-cash in RDEL -2,844 9,231 133,454 16,699 150,153 Capital** - - 27,580 - 27,580 Less Depreciation - - -21,933 - -21,933 Total 941 - 168,151 7,027 175,178 *The total of ‘Administration Budget’ and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. **Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. † Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of DEL arises from:
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF) of £777,000 from the Invest to Save Budget as set out in the Public Outturn White Paper (CM 7156); and
Transfer of £164,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of Civil Service statistics.
The change in the administration budget arises from the take up of administration DEL EYF of £777,000 from the Invest to Save Budget, the transfer of £164,000 from the Cabinet Office and a reclassification, from programme to admin, of £550,000 EU expenditure.
Departmental Expenditure Limits (Treasury)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, HM Treasury's total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £6,028,000 from £223,420,000 to £229,448,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is set out in the following table:
Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource 14,519,000 -8,491,000 203,975,000 27,812,000 231,787,000 Of which: Administration budget1 6,028,0001 — 166,429,000 7,422,000 173,851,000 Near cash in RDE1 12,568,000 -8,491,000 192,154,000 38,990,000 231,144,000 Capital2 — — 7,200,000 — 7,200,000 Less: Depreciation3 — — -9,539,000 — -9,539,000 Total 14,519,000 -8,491,000 201,636,000 27,812,000 229,448,000 1 The total of ‘Administration budget’ and ‘Near cash in Resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total Resource DEL, due to definitions overlapping. 2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3 Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since Capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
A Machinery of Government transfer of £4,028,000 (within the administration budget) from the Cabinet Office in respect of the transfer of the Prime Minister's Delivery Unit to HM Treasury;
Draw down of £2,000,000 (within the administration budget) from the Financial Inclusion Fund to finance the Thoresen Review;
Take up of Departmental Unallocated Provision of £8,491,000 for OGC structural exits—a transfer from non-voted to voted spending within DEL.
Departmental Expenditure (Revenue and Customs)
Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the HM Revenue & Customs total DEL will be increased by £76,487,000 from £4,547,630,000 to £4,624,117,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 91,487 -15,000 4,146,645 393,013 4,539,658 Of which: Administration Budget1 92,487 -15,000 4,396,533 45,047 4,441,607 Near-cash in RDEL1 63,227 -15,000 3,770,975 427,161 4,198,136 Capital2 - - 263,971 3,739 267,710 Less Depreciation3 - - -183,251 - -183,251 Total DEL 91,487 -15,000 4,227,365 396,752 4,624,117 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of DEL arises from:
£44,500,000 administration costs, from the Modernisation Fund to modernise and transform HMRC.
£30,000,000 administration near cash costs, from the DEL Reserve to expand call centre capacity.
£1,587,000 administration near cash costs transferred from the Cabinet Office in respect of Parliamentary Counsel Office Funding.
£1,400,000 take up of end year flexibility (EYF) in accordance with the Public Expenditure Outturn White Paper (CM 7156). This is from programme expenditure EYF, agreed to be spent as administration costs.
£1,000,000 programme near cash expenditure transferred to the Serious Organised Crime Agency (SOCA).
The change in the administration budget arises from the changes detailed in the resource element above excluding the £1,000,000 programme transfer to SOCA.
Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform
Departmental Expenditure (DBRR)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform's DEL will be reduced by £3,748,144,000 from £7,144,961,000 to £3,396,817,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £9,740,000 from £316,969,000 to £326,709,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource -1,243,051 -2,519,614 -645,427 2,874,567 2,229,140 Of which: Administration Budget1 9,740 626,709 326,709 Near-cash in Resource DEL2 -1,233,909 -2,383,626 -798,609 2,930,512 2,131,903 Capital -376,226 390,747 -698,824 1,866,501 1,167,677 Less Depreciation3 3,170 55,115 -38,275 -9,129 -47,404 Total DEL -1,616,107 -2,073,752 1,382,526 4,731,939 3,349,413 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
i) Machinery of Government transfer of £6,146,000 voted expenditure and £1,955,000 non-voted receipts to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the UK Intellectual Property Office;
ii) Machinery of Government transfer of £6,370,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Design Council;
iii) Machinery of Government transfer of £168,300,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Technology Strategy;
iv) Machinery of Government transfer of £296,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the National Weights and Measures Laboratory;
v) Machinery of Government transfer of £27,650,000 to theDepartment for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Space;
vi) Machinery of Government transfer of £3,500,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Civil Aircraft Research and Demonstration;
vii) Machinery of Government transfer of £57,573,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the National Measurement System;
viii) Machinery of Government transfer of £56,788,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Standards, Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Legacy Schemes, Corporate Social Responsibility;
ix) Machinery of Government transfer of £1,000,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of UK Intellectual Property Office for legal costs;
x) Machinery of Government transfer of £214,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the National Weights and Measures Laboratory;
xi) Increase of £2,762,000 in respect of an award from the Financial Inclusion Fund for face to face debt advice;
xii) Transfer of £4,000,000 from the Ministry of Defence in respect of Global Threat Reduction;
xiii) Virement of £5,671,000 from voted to non-voted expenditure in respect of the Regional Development Agencies reflecting increased contributions from other Government Departments;
xiv) Virement of £50,000,000 from non-voted expenditure in respect of the Regional Development Agencies to provide for voted pressures with regard to sustainability and business programmes following the Machinery of Government changes;
xv) Reclassification to capital of £728,383,000 of non-voted expenditure in respect of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority;
xvi) Virement of £833,811,000 from voted to non-voted expenditure in respect of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority reflecting increased commercial income;
xvii) Virement of £1,000,000 from voted expenditure on the Small Business Service to non-voted expenditure in respect of the Regional Development Agencies;
xviii) Virement of £2,000,000 from voted expenditure of the Insolvency Service to non-voted expenditure in respect of the Local Better Regulation Office;
xix) Reclassification of £68,000,000 from Annually Managed Expenditure to Departmental Expenditure Limit in respect of a subsidy to the Royal Mail for losses/restructuring;
i) Machinery of Government transfer of £41,072,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Royal Society;
ii) Machinery of Government transfer of £9,752,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Royal Academy of Engineering;
iii) Machinery of Government transfer of £21,385,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the British Academy;
iv) Machinery of Government transfer of £6,000,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of OSI Initiatives;
v) Machinery of Government transfer of £11,395,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Science and Society;
vi) Machinery of Government transfer of £104,000,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Knowledge Transfer (Higher Education Innovation Fund and Exploitation of Discoveries at Public Sector Research Establishments);
vii) Machinery of Government transfer of £97,343,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Arts and Humanities Research Council;
viii) Machinery of Government transfer of £340,825,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council;
ix) Machinery of Government transfer of £144,265,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Economic and Social Research Council;
x) Machinery of Government transfer of £667,070,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council;
xi) Machinery of Government transfer of £490,040,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Medical Research Council;
xii) Machinery of Government transfer of £354,613,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Natural Environment Research Council;
xiii) Machinery of Government transfer of £5,572,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted EU-related receipts of the Natural Environment Research Council;
xiv) Machinery of Government transfer of £483,808,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Science and Technology Facilities Council;
xv) Machinery of Government transfer of non-voted expenditure of £3,300,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of EURATOM (European Fusion);
xvi) Machinery of Government transfer of non-voted expenditure of £4,306,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Departmental Unallocated Provision;
Also within the change to resource DEL, the changes to the administration budget are (RfR1):
i) Machinery of Government transfer of £11,429,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of the Better Regulation Executive;
ii) Machinery of Government transfer of £14,690,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of innovation;
iii) Machinery of Government transfer of £641,000 from the Department for Communities and Local Government in respect of regional activities;
iv) Transfer of £125,000 to the Department for Communities and Local Government in respect of a correction to the Women's Equality Unit Machinery of Government transfer made in 2006/07;
v) Transfer of £1,685,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of the Parliamentary Counsel Office;
vi) Reclassification of £20,000,000 from programme to administration expenditure in respect of revised treatment of consultancy fees and contract charges;
vii) Reclassification of £700,000 from voted administration to non-voted programme expenditure in respect of the Regional Development Agencies;
i) Machinery of Government transfer of £3,500,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Science and Engineering Base;
ii) Machinery of Government transfer of £5,000,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Transdepartmental Science and Technology Group;
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
i) Machinery of Government transfer of £166,000 receipts to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the UK Intellectual Property Office;
ii) Machinery of Government transfer of £10,000,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Technology Strategy;
iii) Machinery of Government transfer of £231,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the National Weights and Measures Laboratory;
iv) Machinery of Government transfer of £9,867,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the National Measurement System;
v) Increase of £639,000 to the Regional Development Agencies in relation to the Leeds UDC Dowry;
vi) Reclassification from resource of £728,383,000 of non-voted expenditure in respect of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority;
vii) Virement of £57,284,000 from voted to non-voted expenditure in respect of the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority reflecting increased commercial income;
viii) Utilisation of £78,000,000 from the unused balance of the Department's EYF entitlement for renewable energy;
ix) Transfer of £78,000,000 from the renewable energy budget to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills for Science purposes;
x) Virement of £10,000 from voted Regional Selective Assistance expenditure to non-voted expenditure in respect of the Local Better Regulation Office.
i) Machinery of Government transfer of £300,000,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Science Research Investment Fund;
ii) Machinery of Government transfer of £1,000,000 of receipts to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council;
iii) Machinery of Government transfer of £55,231,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council;
iv) Machinery of Government transfer of £7,950,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Economic and Social Research Council;
v) Machinery of Government transfer of £67,826,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council;
vi) Machinery of Government transfer of £69,468,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Medical Research Council;
vii) Machinery of Government transfer of £54,765,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Natural Environment Research Council;
viii) Machinery of Government transfer of £134,008,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of non-voted expenditure of the Science and Technology Facilities Council;
ix) Machinery of Government transfer of non-voted expenditure of £6,321,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills in respect of Departmental Unallocated Provision.
Postal Services Commission
The Postal Services Commission net cash requirement will be increased by £1,517,000 from £1,000 to £1,518,000. There is no impact on resource or capital DEL as set out in the following table:
£’000 Change Voted Non-Voted Total Resource 0 1 0 1 Of which: Administration Budget1 0 1 0 1 Near-cash in Resource DEL2 0 -866 0 -866 Capital 0 460 0 460 Less Depreciation3 0 -772 0 -772 Total DEL 0 -311 0 -311 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the net cash requirement is a result of a forecast decrease in end-year creditors which is higher than the original forecast in the Main Estimate.
Office of Gas and Electricity Markets
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Office of Gas and Electricity Market's DEL will be increased by £1,000 from £1,651,000 to £1,652,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £211,000 from £491,000 to £702,000.
£’000 Change Voted Non-Voted Total Resource 0 702 0 702 Of which: Administration Budget1 1 702 0 702 Near-cash in Resource DEL2 1 -93 991 898 Capital 0 950 0 950 Less Depreciation3 0 -1000 0 -1000 Total DEL 0 652 0 652 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from a token increase in administration costs to cover an increase of £356,000 in expenditure offset by an increase of £355,000 in A. Additionally there is a reclassification of £210,000 from programme to administration costs.
There is no change in the capital element of the DEL.
Children, Schools and Families
Departmental Expenditure (DCSF)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Children, Schools and Families Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be decreased by £14,106,193,000 from £64,665,498,000 to £50,559,305,000, the administration cost budget will be decreased by £45,221,000 from £237,698,000 to £192,477,000. The Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) which has a separate Estimate and DEL, will be increased by £16,790,000 from £205,000,000 to £221,790,000 the administration cost budget will be increased by £485,000 from £28,470,000 to £28,955,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Ofwhich: Voted Non-voted Change New DEL Ofwhich: Voted Non- voted £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 £'000 RfRl -12,934,650 43,318,471 42,329,619 988,852 -1,166,643 5,296,255 3,835,171 1,461,084 RfR2 -4,900 1,223,054 1,223,054 0 0 531,425 531,425 0 RfR3 0 190,100 190,100 0 0 0 0 0 DCSF Total -12,939,550 44,731,625 43,742,773 988,852 -1,166,643 5,827,680 4,366,596 1,461,084 OFSTED 16,409 220,809 220,809 0 381 981 981 0 Sub Total -12,923,141 44,952,434 43,963,582 988,852 -1,166,262 5,828,661 4,367,577 1,461,084 Of which Admin Budget1 -44,736 221,432 221,432 0 0 0 0 0 Near-cash in RDEL -11,498,273 44,965,105 43,941,361 1,023,744 0 0 0 0 Depreciation3 24,200 -11,099 -9,943 -1,156 0 0 0 0 Total -12,898,941 44,941,335 43,953,639 987,696 -1,166,262 5,828,661 4,367,577 1,461,084 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Within the Administration Cost budget changes, the impact is set out in the following table:
DfES Original Change Revised £'000 £'000 £'000 DfES (RfRl) 237,698 -45,221 192,477 OFSTED 28,470 485 28,955 Total 266,168 -44,736 221,432
Department for Children, Schools and Families
Resource DEL
The decrease in the resource element of the DEL of £12,939,550,000 arises from an increase in the voted element of the resource DEL of £3,950,322,000 and a decrease of £16,889,872,000 in the non-voted element of resource DEL mainly in the Department's Non-Departmental Public Bodies.
Voted Resource DEL
The £3,950,322,000 increase in the voted element of the resource DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes, a net movement of £4,297,101,000 from non-voted resource DEL to fund departmental programmes through the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS), a transfer of £25,600,000 from the Home Office for the Respect programmes.
A movement from RfR2, £2,400,000 in respect of Early Years in Maintained schools.
A movement of £373,089,000 to non-voted resource DEL to support the machinery of government change.
A draw down from central funds of £4,661,000 to match departmental non-cash DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
A transfer from the Cabinet Office £549,000 administration for the Parliamentary Council Office.
A transfer to the Department of Culture, Media and Sports £2,000,000 for Museum and Galleries.
A movement of £2,400,000 to RfRl in respect of Early Years in Maintained schools.
A movement of £2,500,000 to non-voted resource DEL in respect of the National College for Schools Leadership.
Non-voted resource DEL
The £16,889,872,000 decrease in Non-voted resource DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes, a net movement of £17,247,858,000 to DIUS.
A transfer of £15,924,000 to the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) to take on the role of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate.
A movement of £373,089,000 from voted resource DEL to support the machinery of government change.
A movement of £2,500,000 from RfR2 for the National College for Schools Leadership.
Giving up to central funds £1,679,000 to match departmental non-cash DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
Capital DEL
The decrease in the capital element of the DEL of £1,166,643,000 arises from a £458,447,000 increase in the voted element of capital DEL and a decrease of £1,625,090,000 in the non-voted element of capital DEL.
Voted Capital DEL
The £458,477,000 decrease in the voted element of the capital DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes, an increase in voted DEL of £456,700 as part of the exercise to move provision to DIUS.
Technical adjustment to move £1,234,000 to non-voted to match departmental capital DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
A technical adjustment to move £2,981,000 from non-voted capital DEL to match agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
Non-voted Capital DEL
The £1,625,090,000 decrease in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:
A net movement of £1,622,962,000 to DIUS following the machinery of government changes.
A transfer of £381,000 to the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills (OFSTED) to take on the role of the former Adult Learning Inspectorate.
Technical adjustment to move £1,234,000 from voted to match departmental capital DEL with agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
A technical adjustment to move £2,981,000 to voted capital DEL to match agreed Comprehensive Spending Review aggregates.
Administration Cost Budget
Following the machinery of government changes, a transfer of £43,450,000 to DIUS.
Following the machinery of government changes, a transfer of £1,400,000 from the Home Office for the Respect programme.
Reclassification of £3,720,000 from administration costs to programme expenditure for the Academy programme.
A transfer of £549,000 from the Cabinet Office for the Parliamentary Council Office.
Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills
Voted Resource DEL
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £485,000 from the Ministry of Justice for the inspection of the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service.
A transfer of £15,924,000 from DCSF for inspection services relating to work-based learning and training and adult community learning.
Voted Capital DEL
A transfer of £381,000 from DCSF to meet IT and accommodation costs associated with inspection services relating to work-based learning and training and adult community learning.
Administration Cost Budget
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £485,000 from the Ministry of Justice for the inspection of the Children and Families Court Advisory and Support Service.
EU Youth Council
The Deputy UK Permanent Representative, Anne Lambert, will attend the Youth Council on 16 November. The agenda items are as follows:
Ministers will be asked to adopt a Resolution on implementing common objectives for voluntary activities of young people. The Resolution reflects one of the thematic priorities of the ongoing Open Method of Coordination for youth and also contributes to the joint Presidency priorities for 2007-08 of better social and professional integration of young people. The UK is broadly in favour of this document as it currently stands and particularly supports its emphasis on the positive contribution many young people make to society.
Ministers are expected to agree Conclusions on a transversal approach to youth policy. The Conclusions call for a more cross-cutting, mainstreaming approach to youth policy across education and employment in the context of the Lisbon Agenda. The UK supports this approach.
There will be an exchange of views on better consideration of youth issues in the implementation of the Lisbon strategy and implementing the European Youth Pact. The UK believes that the Youth Pact is best implemented through the National Reform Programmes and is anxious to avoid any additional burdens around youth-specific reporting.
Communities and Local Government
Departmental Expenditure
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Communities and Local Government's Departmental Expenditure Limits for 2007-08 will change as follows:
1. The Department for Communities and Local Government's Main Programmes DEL will be increased by £162,822,000 from £10,211,203,000 to £10,374,025,000 and the administration budget will also be increased by £5,245,000 from £290,762,000 to £296,007,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource 19,184 -21,694 4,124,326 196,006 4,320,332 Of which: Administration budget1 5,245 296,007 296,007 Near-cash in RDEL 14,312 -16,233 4,075,671 116,369 4,192,040 Capital2 9,362 147,307 2,493,458 3,600,305 6,093,763 Depreciation3 -2,107 10,770 -28,547 -11,523 -40,070 Total 26,439 136,383 6,589,237 3,784,788 10,374,025 1 The total of ‘Administration budget' and ‘Near-cash in resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets 3 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(i) take up of End Year Flexibility of £49,894,000 comprising :
Programme Expenditure
(a) £1,476,000 from the Invest to Save Budget comprising £463,000 for a project for Homelessness; £682,000 for the Transactional European Regional Development Fund and State- Aid project and £331,000 for the Cheshire Project for Fire Services
(b) £1,048,000 for Home Buying and Selling;
(c) £2,015,000 for Procurement Efficiency and Social Housing programme;
(d) £4,000,000 for Safer and Stronger Communities Fund;
(e) £6,500,000 for the non voted Commission for Equality and Human Rights (CEHR) start up costs, The money is subsequently to be transferred to the Government Equalities Office;
(f) £8,265,000 for New Deal for Communities;
(g) £382,000 for Disabled Facilities Grant;
(h) £13,390,000 for Local Area Agreements;
(i) £9,818,000 to fund staff early exits in the central Department and the Government Offices,
Administration costs
(j) £3,000,000 for central administration costs to cover the work of the Department for Communities and Local Government.
(ii) a transfer of £1,700,000 from Fire Publicity- (Main DEL) Request for Resources (RfR 1) to Best Value Inspection (Local Government DEL -RfR2) to support Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment Inspection work on Fire and Rescue Authorities.
(iii) a transfer of £10,000.000 to Resource from Capital for flood recovery.
(iv) a net transfer of £60,704,000 to other Government Departments, comprising:
To Other Government Departments
Programme Expenditure
(a) £62,949,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes moving funding for the Commission for Equality and Human Rights and other Equalities functions to the Government Equalities Office (GEO).
Administration Costs (Central Department)
(b) £4,526,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes comprising £641,000 to the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (DBERR) for regional policy administrative functions and £3,885,000 to the Government Equalities Office for Equalities functions.
From Other Government Departments
Administration Costs (Central Department)
(c) £806,000 from the former Deputy Prime Minister's Office to cover staff transferring back to the Department;
(d) £538,000 to reflect the transfer of £125,000 from the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory Reform for outstanding staff and accommodation costs from previous Machinery of Government changes and £413,000 from the Cabinet Office for the work of Parliamentary Counsel.
Administration Costs (Government Offices)
(e) £624,000 from the Department for Transport as a contribution to costs of staff early exits;
(f) £4,039,000 from the Department for the Environment Food and Rural Affairs for work on their core agenda; and
(g) £764,000 from the Cabinet Office for work by the Government Offices for the Office of the Third Sector.
(v) an increase in receipts of £576,383,000 offsetting increases in provision of £553,217,000 for Local Area Agreements; £2,260,000 for Ordnance Survey trading fund; £120,000 for Residential Property Tribunal Service; £1,140,000 for Adult Facing Chronic Exclusion;£250,000 for Community Empowerment £5,000,000 for Payments for Data Mapping Services; £14,861,000 for Government Offices; £1,106,000 for Central Administration other current expenditure and £206,000 for Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre and reduction of £490,000 for Emergency Fire Service and £1,287,000 for Fire Services
(vi) a net transfer of £11,844,000 from voted to non voted provision comprising:
From voted to non-voted provision
(a) £3,100,000 from Other Growth Areas direct funding to the non-voted West Northamptonshire Urban Development Corporation budget, reflecting their role in delivering Other Growth Area projects.
(b) £10,100,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to non voted Thurrock Urban Development Corporation (£5,000,000) and London UDC (£5,100,000) budgets for Thames Gateway projects;
(c) £2,557,000 (non cash) from the Central Administration budget to non-voted programme Departmental Unallocated Provision to offset increase in administration near cash budgets.
(d) £300,000 to non voted Housing Corporation towards the National Register of Social Housing (NROSH) project.
(e) £2,000,000 from Energy Performance Certificates to the non voted Housing Corporation budget to allow the corporation to run a programme for the Registered Social Landlords sector for issuing Energy Performance Certificates following the launch of Home Information Packs on 1 August 2007;
(f) £1,006,000 from various programmes to the non-voted Housing Corporation budget to cover the Housing Corporation's increasing pension costs through the Westminster Pension Fund;
(g) £190,000 from housing management grants to the non-voted Leasehold advisory service (LEASE) budget to enable them to meet existing commitments.
From non- voted to voted provision
(h) £7,409,000 from Departmental Unallocated Provision to voted programme comprising £1,255,000 to National Register of Social Housing to cover non cash costs; £500,000 to Coalfields Enterprise Fund to cover the cost of capital: £3,000,000 to E-planning to meet cost of capital charges and depreciation; £1,445,000 to Thames Gateway to cover previously unbudgeted non-cash costs; £143,000 to Residential Property Tribunal Service to cover unforeseen non-cash costs; £190,000 to supporting people administration to cover forecast cost of capital and depreciation charges and £876,000 to Fire Service College.
The change in the administration budget arises from a take up of End of Year Flexibility of £3,000,000 (see above section (i)) to cover the work of the central Department ; a net transfer from other Government Departments of £2,245,000 (see above section (iv)).
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from
(vii) a take up of EYF of £241,295,000 comprising :
Programme Expenditure
(a) £4,000,000 for Thames Gateway ;
(b) £80,000,000 for Gap Funding for Large Scale Voluntary Transfers;
(c) £500,000 for Coalfield Regeneration Trust;
(d) £282,000 for European Regional Development Fund from the Invest to Save Budget;
(e) £1,500,000 for Gypsy Site Grant;
(f) £2,949,000 for Housing Market Renewal Fund;
(g) £9,500,000 for New Deal for Communities;
(h) £6,184,000 for Disabled Facilities Grant (a demand led grant);
(i) £7,000,000 for Commission for Equalities and Human Rights start up costs; money to be transferred subsequently to Government Equalities Office;
(j) £2,929,000 for Local Area Agreements;
(k) £7,000,000 as part of the floods recovery package;
(1) £80,451,000 to transfer to the Department for Culture Media and Sport in respect of the Department's contribution towards the Olympics preparation infrastructure costs;
(m) £39,000,000 for Arms Length Management organisations.
(viii) a transfer of £10,000,000 from Capital to Resource for flood recovery;
(ix) a transfer of £13,000,000 to Request for Resources (RFR1) from RFR2 and non voted provision (Local Government DEL) to support the Flood Recovery programme comprising £8,000,000 from Local Government Public Service Agreements and £5,000,000 from the non voted Commutation programme;
(x) a transfer of £87,626.000 to other Government Departments comprising
Programm e Expenditure
(a) £80,451,000 from End of Year Flexibility to the Department for Culture Media and Sport in respect of the Department's contribution towards the Olympics preparation infrastructure costs.
(b) £7,175,000 to reflect Machinery of Government Changes for the transfer of the equalities functions to Government Equalities Office.
(xi) Within the capital element of the DEL there is a net transfer of £108.482,000 from voted to non voted provision comprising ;
(a) £13,900,000 from Growth Areas direct funding to non-voted West Northamptonshire Urban Development Corporation, reflecting their role in delivering Other Growth Area projects.;
(b) £2,449,000 from Growth Areas to non-voted English Partnerships, mainly for the Bedford Western Bypass;
(c) £4,490,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to the South East of England Development Agency (SEEDA) for Thames Gateway projects;
(d) £1,699,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to the East of England Development Agency (EEDA) for Thames Gateway projects;
(e) £2,100,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to non voted Housing Corporation for Thames Gateway projects;
(f) £10,704,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to English Partnerships for Thames Gateway projects;
(g) £24,150,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to Thurrock UDC for Thames Gateway projects;
(h) £48,990,000 from Thames Gateway direct funding to London UDC for Thames Gateway projects;
(2) The Department for Communities and Local Government (Local Government) DEL will be decreased by £11,800,000 from £22,955,916,000 to £22,944,116,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change NEW DEL Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource 1,700 — 22,711,011 103,854 22,814,865 Of which: Administration budget1 Near-cash in RDEL 1,700 -575 22,711,011 103,279 22,814,290 Capital 2 -8,000 -5,000 126,251 3,500 129,751 Depreciation3 — -500 0 -500 -500 Total -6,300 -5,500 22,837,262 106,854 22,944,116 1 The total of ‘Administration budget’ and ‘Near-cash in resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total resource DEL due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets 3 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL, since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
(i) a transfer of £1,700,000 to Best Value Inspection - Request for Resources (Local Government DEL - RFR2 ) from Fire Publicity (Main DEL - RfRl) to support Audit Commission Comprehensive Performance Assessment inspection work on Fire and Rescue Authorities.
(ii) an increase in receipts of £34,000,000 offsetting increases on expenditure comprising of £1,500,000 for Local Government on Line as contribution from the Department for Education and Skills and the Department of Health to support digital challenge; and £32,500,000 for Local Government Public Service Agreements.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from
(iii) a transfer of £13,000,000 from Local Government DEL to Main DEL to support the costs of the flood recovery grants comprising £8,000,000 from Local Government Public Service Agreements and £5,000,000 from the non-voted commutation budget.
Culture, Media and Sport
Departmental Expenditure (Culture, Media and sport)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Culture Media and Sport's Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £143,977,000 from £1,864,054,000 to £2,008,031,000 and the administration cost limit will increase by £5,316,000 from £50,258,000 to £55,574,000. Within the DEL change the impact on resource and capital are set out in the following table:
Change New DEL £'000 Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource DEL -78,837 122,298 91,691 1,515,717 1,607,408 of which: Administration budget* 5,316 55,270 55,574 Near-cash in RDEL -78,837 122,298 83,173 1,335,626 1,418,799 Capital** 5,685 94,831 28,997 473,356 502,353 Less Depreciation*** - - -5,942 -95,788 -101,730 Total -73,152 217,129 114,746 1,893,285 2,008,031 * The total of Administration budget' and 'Near-cash in Resource DEL figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. **Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets, ***Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
Take up of £34,996,000 End Year flexibility: (£5,996,000) Arts Council of England; (£2,000,000) English Heritage and (£27,000,000) resource DEL cover for the London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games.
Transfers from other Government Departments of: £2,000,000 from Department for Children, Schools and Families for Strategic Commissioning; £1,000,000 from Department for International Development to UK Sport for Olympic projects; £149,000 from Ministry of Defence for the Pattern Room collection and £316,000 from Cabinet Office to cover baseline costs of the Parliamentary Council.
The administration cost limit has increased by £5,316,000 from £50,258,000 to £55,574,000. This is as a result of a transfer from Cabinet Office of £316,000 detailed above and the take up of £5,000,000 Administration End Year Flexibility.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
Take up of End-Year Flexibility of £20,000,000: (£10,000,000) for the Natural History Museum, Darwin Centre and (£10,000,000) for the Museums for agreed funding plans.
A transfer of £80,451,000 from the Department for Communities and Local Government to the Olympic Development Authority for Olympic Costs.
Grants from the Invest to Save budget of £65,000 to Sport England to fund Street Cage Soccer.
Supplementary Estimates (MOD)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Ministry of Defence Departmental Expenditure Limits (DEL) will be increased by £2,033,379 from £33,561,172 to £35,594,551,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on Resources and Capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource 1,889,379 - 34,437,544 283,088 34,720,632 Near-Cash in RDEL 1,889,379 440,000 23,819,675 480,943 24,300,618 Capital 144,000 - 7,691,626 744 7,692,370 Depreciation1 - - -6,618,451 -200,000 -6,818,451 Total 2,033,379 - 35,510,719 83,832 35,594,551 1 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The changes to the resource and capital elements of the DEL arise from:
the take up of normal Resource End Year Flexibility of £21,000,000 and Capital Resource End Year Flexibility of £65,000,000;
resource transfers in from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) of £4,863,000 as a contribution to the National Meteorological Programme and Severe Weather Warning Service, £200,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of future funding arrangements for the expansion of the Parliamentary Counsel Office, and £42,525,000 from the Security & Intelligence Services Agency in respect of support service funding for GCHQ;
a resource transfer out of £149,000 to the Department of Culture, Media and Sport as a contribution to the Leeds Armouries Museum Pattern Room staffing costs, and a resource transfer of £4,000,000 out to the Department of Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform as a contribution to the Global partnership against the spread of weapons and materials of Mass Destruction;
to use £55,000,000 of additional income that will be paid to the Consolidated Fund with a corresponding increase in Direct RDEL available to the Department;
to increase Request for Resources 2 by £1,315,000,000 Resource near cash DEL and £604,000,000 Capital DEL to reflect the costs of peace-keeping in Iraq and Afghanistan;
to transfer £70,000,000 from Voted Capital DEL to Non-Voted Near Cash Resource DEL to cover planned cash release of provision payments;
to transfer £455,000,000 Capital resource to Direct Resource within RfRl relating to Single Use Military Equipment (SUME) flexibility;
to recognise a Grant in Aid payment to the Royal Irish Benevolent Fund of £60,000 by increasing Non-Budget expenditure and reducing near cash resource DEL.
The changes to Resource DEL and Capital DEL will lead to an increased net cash requirement of £2,158,439,000.
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Departmental Expenditure (DEFRA)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs DEL will be increased by £11,579,000 from £3,605,014,000 to £3,616,593,000 and the Administration Budget will be increased by £108,420,000 from £285,524,000 to £393,944,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource 9,993 15,033 4,326,895 -1,397,925 2,928,970 of which: Administration Budget 108,420 - 393,944 - 393,944 Near-cash in RDEL -25,499 1,705 4,155,853 -1,570,927 2,584,926 Capital -17,247 - 669,395 219,510 888,905 Depreciation1 -20,692 24,492 -63,463 -137,819 -201,282 Total -27,946 39,525 4,932,827 -1,316,234 3,616,593 1Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from: (i) a transfer of £26,800,000 to the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills for the BREW programme; (ii) a transfer of £7,994,000 to the Forestry Commission for Farm Woodland Schemes; (iii) a transfer of £4,039,000 administration costs to the Department for Communities and Local Government for Government Office Funding; (iv) a transfer of £2,261,000 to the Ministry of Defence for meteorological services (this is shown in the Estimate as a transfer of £4,863,000 offset by an agreed correction of £2,602,000); (v) a claim on the reserve of £22,000,000 administration costs in respect of early release/early retirement schemes; (vi) a transfer of £5,605,000 from Department for International Development for the Montreal Protocol Fund; (vii) a transfer of £359,000 administration costs from the Cabinet Office for legal services provided by the Parliamentary Counsel's Office; (viii) a take up of £250,000 from HM Treasury for the 'Start Here' project; (ix) a take up of £86,000 from HM Treasury for the Energy Efficiency Programme (£100,000 administration costs and -£14,000 programme); (x) a transfer of £37,820,000 from non-budget for the British Waterways Board cost of capital.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from: (i) a transfer of £17,395,000 to HM Treasury in respect of the 2006-07 overspend; (ii) a drawdown of £142,000 End Year Flexibility for Invest to Save Budget projects; (iii) a drawdown of £6,000 End Year Flexibility for capital grants Invest to Save Budget projects.
The change in the administration budget element of the DEL not explained above is due to a transfer of £90,000,000 from programme to administration, £80,000,000 in respect of professional services and £10,000,000 in respect of the outsourced IT contract.
Departmental Expenditure (Forestry Commission)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Forestry Commission's DEL will be increased by £10,104,000 from £82,288,000 to £92,392,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource DEL 9,804 — 90,369 2,653 93,022 Of which: Administration budget1 — — — — — Near-cash in 7,304 — 66,273 2,653 68,866 RDEL Capital2 1,800 — 2,640 -700 1,940 Less Depreciation3 -1,500 — -2,570 — -2,570 Total 10,104 — 90,439 1,953 92,392 1 The total of ‘Administration budget’ and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
a. A transfer of £7,994,000 from Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, to allow the Forestry Commission to administer the Farm Woodland Premium scheme.
b. The take up of £3,610,000 end of year flexibility to meet expenditure on payment of private woodland grants, costs associated with efficiency initiatives and increased forecasts on both cost of capital and depreciation charges.
c. A transfer from resource to capital DEL of £1,800,000.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
a. A transfer from resource DEL of £1,800,000 to support capital investment of e-business systems.
Municipal Waste Policy
Household waste recycling has quadrupled in the last 10 years and waste is growing much less quickly than the economy. Business has also been increasing its effort to reduce the amount of packaging it puts around the products that we buy. Last month we announced proposals for increased targets for recovery and recycling of packaging for 2008-12. In 2012 we now hope overall to see producers recycling and recovering 66 per cent. of all paper and 65 per cent. of all glass packaging.
But we need to do more. Methane emissions from biodegradable waste in landfill count for about 3 per cent. of UK greenhouse gas emissions. We still lag behind much of mainland Europe in recycling and we will face EU fines if we exceed landfill limits.
In May, we announced a revised Waste Strategy for England. It set out new ways for us all to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste for the sake of the environment. Incentives appeared as part of that strategy and we consulted on possible schemes to help local authorities influence residents' behaviour at a local level. These schemes were similar to those that had been successful in both Europe and in North America. The UK is currently the only EU15 country that prevents authorities from trialling or putting in place these type of incentives schemes. The Local Government Association and local authorities from across the political spectrum have called for powers to introduce similar schemes.
Following on from the consultation, we announced in the Climate Change Bill Command Paper that we would provide in the Bill a power for a small number of local authorities to pilot incentives for household waste minimisation and recycling. I am today announcing the detail of these proposals, which for the first time will mean that authorities will be able both positively to reward those who recycle and charge those who do not.
A maximum of five local authorities will be granted permission to pilot the schemes. Councils will be able to come forward with schemes to fit local circumstances but they will have to be approved by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, and will need to be consistent with the framework set out in legislation. This approach will allow us to monitor the impacts of the pilots and report back to Parliament before a decision is made whether to roll them out more widely. Parliament would have a say in any final decision.
The framework covers a range of issues. First of all, since we are keen to avoid placing additional burdens on local residents, it says that if the authority collects any revenue through a scheme this must be returned to residents so residents as a whole will not be paying more. To further reduce the burden on both the public and local authorities, we are also enabling authorities to pay back rebates, and collect any payments, through Council Tax, should they wish to do so.
We have also built in further simple checks and balances to help ensure the right level of public protection. These are not about restricting local authorities' behaviour, as we continue to believe that they are in the best position to understand what is right for their area. Instead they are about helping the public to understand better what they might expect to see in a pilot scheme regardless of where they are in the country. For example, pilots could only be introduced where there was a good kerbside recycling service in place, and we ask that authorities take account in their plans of the needs of, or impacts on, potentially disadvantaged groups - for example young families. We also think that it is sensible for pilot authorities to review their policies for tackling flytipping, and to have a flytipping prevention strategy in place. Evidence from other countries where financial incentives schemes operate suggests that an increase in fly tipping is not an automatic consequence of introducing them, but having a strategy in place is good common sense. Government intend to retain a reserved power to create a cap in the future on the level of incentive, should this be necessary. We consider that this power provides a further protection for households.
Climate Change means that each of us needs to look at what we currently do and think hard about what more we could do both inside and outside the home. This includes working together to reduce the amount of waste we generate. Our plan for incentives for waste fits into this.
To support this work on guidance and pilots, the Government will be making £1.5 million available every year for the next three years.
Copies of the summary of consultation responses and impact assessment have been placed in the Libraries of both Houses. The documents are also available on the website of the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs at: www.defra.gov.uk.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
General Affairs and External Relations Council
The General Affairs and External Relations Council (GAERC) will be held on 19-20 November in Brussels. I will represent the UK at the Foreign Ministers discussions. My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Defence and My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for International Development will attend the Defence and Development Ministers' discussions.
The agenda items are as follows:
Foreign Ministers
General Affairs
Preparation of the European Council on 13-14 December
The Council is expected to discuss the draft annotated agenda for the European Council in December on 13-14 December. My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister explained to Parliament on 22 October the priority for the EU now must be the global challenges we face: employment, prosperity, competitiveness, climate change, and security. The Government look forward to the European Council addressing these issues when they meet next month.
Maritime Policy
The Commission is expected to brief the Council on maritime policy. The Government consider it important to maintain and promote the competitiveness of the EU maritime sector as part of the Lisbon Agenda.
Commission Legislative Work Programme 2008
The Council is expected to discuss the Commission Legislative Work Programme 2008, which the Government welcome, given its focus on delivering results, better regulation, tackling climate change, and promoting jobs and growth.
External Relations
Preparation of the EU Summits with China and India
The Council is expected to discuss preparation for the EU Summits with China and India on 28 and 30 November respectively. The Government want the Joint Statements for the Summits to cover climate security, including a commitment to work towards a low carbon future and a successful outcome at the UN climate change Conference in Bali, 3-14 December 2007. The Government will also want the Summits to discuss Burma and to encourage all neighbours to bring their influence to bear on contributing towards a democratic and stable Burma.
Preparation of the EU Summit with Africa
The Council is expected to discuss preparation for the EU Summit with Africa on 8 December including the endorsement of the EU Africa Joint Strategy and the Action Plan, which the Government support, and discussion of governance and human rights issues at the Summit. The Government will argue for a substantive discussion of these issues, including the situation in Zimbabwe.
The Council is expected to discuss the State of Emergency in Pakistan. The Government believe it is important the EU maintains pressure on President Musharraf to restore the Constitution, as set out in the EU Declaration of 6 November.
Middle East
The Council is expected to discuss an Action Plan outlining ways the EU can provide further practical support to the Middle East Peace Process, which the Government welcome. The Council is expected to adopt Conclusions highlighting support for the Annapolis meeting in late November.
The Council is expected to discuss Lebanon in light of political tensions surrounding the forthcoming Presidential elections.
High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, is expected to brief the Council on his contacts with the Iranian authorities, and his report to E3+3 Ministers (Germany, France, UK, China, Russia and the US), which we expect him to deliver before the GAERC. Ministers are expected to reaffirm the commitment they made at the October GAERC to consider, after recommendations from Working Groups, the further steps the EU can take to support the agreed twin track international approach to the Iranian nuclear issue. The Government believe it is crucial that Iran complies with its international obligations and the twin track approach is the best way to achieve this goal.
The Council is expected to discuss EU engagement with Iraq. The Government welcome discussion of the EU's financial, technical and political support towards a secure and stable Iraq. It also welcomes Foreign Minister Zebari's invitation to the Council and the opportunity this presents for the EU to step up its engagement.
Western Balkans
Ambassador Wolfgang Ischinger is expected to brief the Council on progress in talks between the Troika (EU, Russia and US) and Belgrade and Pristina to secure a negotiated settlement on the status of Kosovo. The Council is likely to adopt Conclusions reaffirming its support for ongoing efforts by the Troika to reach agreement on a status settlement in Kosovo and reiterating its support for High Representative Miroslav Lajcak in advancing key reforms in Bosnia. The Government fully support the efforts by the Troika to find agreement, but will emphasise the importance of the EU being prepared to act in the event agreement is not possible by December 10.
The Council is expected to discuss recent events in Georgia. The Government welcome this discussion, given the recent developments, including the declaration of a State of Emergency by President Saakashvili in Georgia.
Joint Session of Foreign Ministers and Defence Ministers
European Security and Defence Policy Conclusions
The Council is expected to adopt Conclusions under the European Security and Defence Policy (ESDP) on current operations and missions, capability development including the European Defence Agency, Human Rights Issues and cooperation between the EU and the African Union in Strengthening African Capabilities.
The Council is expected to discuss the upcoming EU mission to Chad / Central African Republic, including Force Generation for the mission. The Council is also expected to discuss the security situation in Sudan/Darfur, drawing on the ESDP Council Conclusions reaffirming the EU's support for ongoing efforts by the UN and African Union to resolve the conflict in Darfur and welcoming the forthcoming deployment of UN AMID, the UN/African Union Hybrid Mission in Darfur. The Government welcome the Conclusions, strongly supporting the need for a comprehensive and regional approach.
Defence Ministers
European Defence Agency
The Head of the European Defence Agency (EDA), Alexander Weis, will brief the Council on the Agency's activities in 2007, before discussing the Agency's agenda in 2008.
The EDA Steering Board also meets on 19 November and is expected to agree the Agency's 2008 Work Programme. Ministers will also discuss the European Defence Research and Technology Strategy Framework and the Agency's benchmarks.
Operation EUFOR ALTHEA (Bosnia-Herzegovina)
The political situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has deteriorated over the last year, leading the EU to postpone signature of BiH's Stabilisation and Association Agreement (the first of many steps towards EU membership) in October 2007, following the collapse of police reform talks. The Government believe the EU and the international community should continue to encourage leaders in Bosnia to exercise restraint and to continue to engage in dialogue with each other and with the High Representative.
The Council is expected to discuss EUFOR Althea, the EU military peacekeeping operation in Bosnia-Herzegovina, in light of these recent political developments. The Government support EUFOR remaining at current levels during this period of uncertainty.
Military Capabilities
The Council will be briefed on the Headline Goal Progress Catalogue. This represents the finalisation of four years' of work from first instigation of the Headline Goal 2010 through the production of the Requirements Catalogue in 2005, the bidding stage in 2006 and finally the complex analysis of the shortfalls and risks that has been undertaken by the EU Military Staff and Headline-Goal Task Force managed by successive Presidencies. The Government want EU Member States to focus on how to prioritise these shortfalls and decide where to invest resources. We will call for further consultation and cooperation with NATO and for work on improving the EU's Intra-Theatre Transport capability.
The High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, will present a paper identifying possible areas of improving EU Military Staff in early planning capability.
Joint session of Development and Defence Ministers
Development and Security
The Council will adopt Conclusions on Development and Security in four areas: Strategic Planning, Security Sector Reform, the EU-Africa partnership on Security and Development and Humanitarian Aid. The Government support the ongoing process in the EU to reinforce the Security-Development nexus and will focus on ensuring delivery of an implementation plan and call for follow up during successive Presidencies.
Development Ministers
Orientation debate on the effectiveness of EU external action
The Council is expected to focus on the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership and action plans in advance of the EU Africa Summit on 8 December. Ministers will discuss the consequences and impacts of the strategy on EU external action, on the basis of a Presidency paper. The Government will push for agreement of the strategy and action plans and continues to push for action on Millennium Development Goals, climate change and peace and security. We expect Member States to be supportive of the strategic partnership and its goals, and to commit to implementation of the strategy.
Towards an EU response to situations of fragility
The Council will adopt Conclusions on the development of an EU policy and improved practices on the situation of Fragile States. The EU's response to fragile situations is critical as fragile states pose a great challenge, both in terms of the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and in terms of global and regional security. The Government support the implementation of the measures proposed in the Commission's communication to increase coordination and coherence.
Policy coherence for development
The Council is expected to adopt Conclusions on policy coherence for development, including on climate change and migration. The discussion is expected to focus on the launch of the EU's first two-yearly report, reporting on the extent to which EU Member States have fulfilled their commitments to integrate development concerns within broader policymaking and highlighting key outstanding issues for the next reporting period.
Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs)
The Council will discuss the Commission's Communication on Economic Partnership Agreements. The core of the Commission's strategy is to agree goods-only agreements this year ahead of the deadline on the 1 January before returning to services and other trade related areas in the future. The Government want to ensure that EPAs deliver on their development potential. The Government will also want to make clear that the African Caribbean and Pacific countries should not be bound to taking commitments on non-goods issues. It is their choice to negotiate on those elements.
Advancing Agriculture in Africa
The Council is expected to discuss the Advancing African Agriculture Strategy proposal for continental and regional-level cooperation on agricultural development in Africa, which the Government support. A better aligned and coherent EU response will help Africa to achieve its goal of agricultural-led growth, a more predictable response to dealing with hunger, and be better equipped to respond to the challenges presented by climate change.
Partnership with Cape Verde
The Council is expected to discuss a Partnership between the EU and the Republic of Cape Verde, a small Portuguese speaking island off the coast of West Africa. In line with the Cotonou Agreement this anticipates that Cape Verde will become a partner in increased police and judicial cooperation with Europe.
AOB: Ratification on the Cotonou Partnership Agreement
EU Member States need to ratify the revised EU's Partnership Agreement with African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States (known as the 'Cotonou Agreement') and the 10th European Development Fund (EDF), by the end of 2007 in order for both to come into effect. Member States who have not already done so will be encouraged to conclude their ratification processes as soon as possible. The Government completed their ratification process in September.
Departmental Expenditure
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £48,122,000 from £1,840,333,000 to £1,888,455,000. The administration budget will be increased by £14,000 from £870,046,000 to £870,060,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource 30,122 -17,000 1,811,464 10,862 1,822,326 Of which: Administration budget * 17,014 -17,000 870,060 — 870,060 Near-cash in Resource DEL 30,122 -17,000 1,654,745 10,862 1,665,607 Capital** 36,000 -1,000 182,753 — 182,753 Depreciation*** — — 116,624 — -116,624 Total 66,122 -18,000 1,877,593 10,862 1,888,455 *The total of ‘Administration budget’ and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL’ figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. **Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. ***Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
Request for Resources 1
I. £14,000 transfer of Administration Budget from Cabinet Office in respect of the Privy Council Office.
I. Take up of £22,000,000 other current End Year Flexibility for departmental restructuring.
II. Transfer of £7,000,000 other current expenditure to Home Office for the Border and Immigration Office.
III. Transfer of £5,300,000 Programme expenditure to the Security and Intelligence Agencies to cover expansion and capability.
IV. A £3,407,000 claim on the DEL Reserve of in respect of Emergency Disaster Relief.
Neutral Changes
I. Increased other current expenditure of £60,000,000, fully offset by income, for Consular and Visa Work.
II. Increased other current expenditure of £2,830,000, fully offset by income, in respect of anti-narcotics work.
I. Take up of £35,000,000 End Year Flexibility in respect of the FCO estate.
Request for Resources 2
II. Transfer of £3,000,000 from DFID in respect of Conflict Prevention operations in Afghanistan.
II. Transfer of £3,000,000 Programme expenditure to Security and Intelligence Agencies to cover expansion and capability.
Health Service Provision
The Independent Sector is playing an important and increasing role within the NHS, providing high quality treatment and choice for patients, and innovation, dynamism and contestability for existing National Health Service providers. Alongside the hard work of staff in every organisation, the use of the independent sector is an integral part of our success in delivering dramatic falls in waiting times for patients.
That is why we have taken a number of measures to make better use of the independent sector:
In the first wave of the independent sector treatment centre (ISTC)programme we established 23 fixed site ISTCs, a mobile ophthalmology service, a mobile MRI scanning service, a chlamydia screening service and six walk-in centres. This investment worth over £1.4 billion has provided nearly 800,000 elective procedures, diagnostic assessments and episodes of primary care to NHS patients and is helping to reduce waiting times in those areas. I am today providing further information on each first wave scheme, including the contract value, volume of activity, case mix by volume and utilisation rates, and in future this data will be published annually.
There has been rapid growth in patients choosing to be referred to the 129 independent sector hospitals currently registered under the Extended Choice scheme. The value of activity has doubled in the last month alone. From April 2008, all patients referred for an elective procedure will be able to choose to go to any hospital in England which meets NHS standards and price. This already applies for orthopaedics and from December will cover general surgery, gynaecology and cardiology.
We are procuring additional GP services through the Fairness in Primary Care initiative from a range of providers including the independent sector, and as announced last month we will be inviting bidders for further primary care contracts as we roll out new GP-led health centres and extra GP surgeries in deprived areas. In addition, we are offering primary care trusts the opportunity to use independent sector expertise in developing their commissioning function.
As I said to the Health Select Committee in July, independent sector procurement will have to meet the local needs of patients and offer sound value for money for taxpayers. Where it meets these requirements we will increase the role of the independent sector in the provision of NHS services.
The Department has therefore undertaken a thorough revalidation of all the schemes currently being procured nationally through the ISTC programme to ensure they meet these objectives.
The Director General of the Commercial Directorate has advised that I proceed with the procurement of the following schemes:
PET CT North Diagnostics (additional CT scans);
PET CT South Diagnostics (additional CT scans);
Renal (provision of dialysis treatment);
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Electives (Southampton element);
Greater Manchester (B) Clinical Assessment and Treatment Services;
Avon, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Electives;
Essex Electives;
Hertfordshire Electives;
Greater Manchester (A) Clinical Assessment and Treatment Services; and
London North Electives.
I am pleased to announce that three of these: PET-CT North, PET-CT South and the Renal scheme have been approved to move to financial close. The Department will conclude decisions on the remaining schemes no later than the end of March 2008.
However the director general has concluded that the following schemes should not proceed as they were unlikely to provide acceptable value for money as the local NHS has successfully improved capacity to meet patients' needs. These are:
North East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire Referral Assessment Diagnostics and Treatment Service;
North East Diagnostics;
South East Diagnostics;
Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridge Electives;
Cumbria and Lancashire Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service; and
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Electives (Lymington element).
In addition, the Director General has advised that the contract with Care UK for the provision of diagnostic services in the West Midlands should be terminated because of an unacceptably low rate of use (5 per cent. utilisation to date), and a very low prospect of the utilisation increasing which represents poor value for money to the taxpayer. In short. a significant increase in productivity by local NHS providers has substantially reduced the need for the capacity provided by this scheme with waiting times for most diagnostics reduced from more than one year to currently three weeks on average.
The reduction in the overall size of the procurement does not represent a change in policy. As I have stated before, we will continue to use the independent sector. However, as I said to the Health Select Committee, we will now move towards greater local procurement of services. This will enable primary care trusts to take procurement decisions quickly on behalf of their patients rather than waiting for a prolonged process run from Whitehall. We believe this will be a more effective route for increasing the quality of the role which the independent sector is able to provide in the NHS.
To support this move I am announcing today the establishment of an Independent Sector Procurement Forum as a means for Independent and Third Sector providers to advise the Department on policies and practices related to local procurement of clinical services in order to ensure a level playing field.
The forum will draw on a range of expertise and experience, including Ivan Bradbury of In Health Netcare and Sir Ian Carruthers of the South West Strategic Health Authority.
The forum will be advisory and act as a channel for the market to communicate and advise the Department on PCT procurement policies and practices.
We remain committed to choice, to empower patients and drive improvements in the quality of care. For choice to be truly effective, and for all providers to be able to compete fairly, it is essential that all patients are aware that they can now choose the hospital they are referred to. In the run up to the start of free choice, we will raise public awareness of choice through, for example, NHS Choices and other means, as well as encouraging local providers to inform patients about the local choices available to them, and publishing a Code of Promotion to help guide them in this.
To ensure fairness we will also,
publish clear competition principles and simple rules for commissioners and providers to apply consistently for all those that provide services on behalf of the NHS, including social enterprise and third sector organisations as well as the independent sector;
establish a competition panel to provide independent advice on competition issues to SHAs, which they would be excepted to follow working closely with their PCTs. The panel will only consider issues where action to resolve issues have been exhausted; and
seek to open up membership of the Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (CNST) to many non-NHS providers of NHS care.
Our approach to the Independent Sector is pragmatic not ideological. Where independent sector providers offer good value for money, innovation, and high quality patient care, we will continue to bring them in to work as part of the family of NHS providers.
Departmental Expenditure (Food Standards Agency)
Subject to the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Food Standards Agency's element of the Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £9,800,000 from £144,539,000 to £154,339,000 and the Administration Cost Limit will be increased by £4,100,000 from £52,415,000 to £56,515,000. The net cash requirement will also increase by £18,800,000 from £141,731,000 to £160,531,000 as a result of the £9,800,000 change in net total resources and additional £9,000,000 cash required to fund an expected decrease in creditors. The impact on resource and capital are set out in the following table.
Change Voted Non-Voted Total Food Standards Agency £ million £ million £ million £ million Resources 8.500 152.392 0 152.392 Capital 1.300 1.947 0 1.947 Total Food Standards Agency DEL 9.800 154.339 0 154.339 Depreciation* 0 -2.004 0 -2.004 Total Food Standards Agency spending (after adjustment) 9.800 152.335 0 152.335 * Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The increase in net total resources and capital is by a take up of End Year Flexibility (EYF) of £9,800,000. Of this £4,100,000 is an increase in near cash administration costs, which will be used to fund restructuring of the Food Standards Agency's headquarters operations and related accommodation and support services costs. Near cash programme costs increase by £4,400,000 to assist with the restructuring of the Meat Hygiene Service. The balance of £1,300,000 is an increase in capital and will be used to fund an increased investment in IT hardware and infrastructure. All of these measures will help to deliver the efficiency savings required as part of the CSR settlement.
As a result of the change to net total resources, capital and the additional £9,000,000 cash required to fund the decrease in creditors, the net cash requirement will increase by £18,800,000.
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £19,932,000 from the BERR, a net receipt transfer of £456,700,000 from the DCSF.
A technical movement of £281,970,000 from non-voted capital DEL to offset original receipt for Science, Research Innovation Fund, included as part of the DCSF MOG transfers.
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £299,000,000 from the BERR.
A technical movement of £281,970,000 to non-voted capital DEL to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for the Science, Research Innovation Fund.
A transfer of £32,391,000 from BERR voted capital for Science Research Investment Fund.
A drawdown of EYF of £11,969,000 for capital Science and Research Investment Fund.
Non-voted Capital DEL
The £2,064,140,000 increase in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £395,569,000 from the BERR, a transfer of £1,622,962,000 from the DCSF.
A transfer of £45,609,000 from the BERR for capital provision associated with the Research councils.
Administration Cost Budget
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £14,690,000 from the BERR, a transfer of £43,450,000 from the DCSF.
A classification of £5,200,000 from programme provision to administration in relation to consultancy costs.
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £8,500,000 from the BERR.
Home Department
Supplementary Estimate (Home Office)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Home Office's Departmental Expenditure Limit for 2007-08 will be reduced by £5,219,311,000, from £14,467,130,000 to £9,247,819,000 and the Administration Budget will be reduced by £204,151,000, from £618,291,000 to £414,140,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on Resources and Capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource DEL -3,239,669 -1,622,375 7,944,143 718,769 8,662,912 Of which: Administration budget1 -168.151 -36,000 390,098 24,042 414,140 Near-Cash in RDEL1 -2,804,714 -1,636,592 7,825,226 667,764 8,492,990 Capital2 -555,144 -20,095 460,955 291,507 752,462 Less Depreciation3 215,422 2,550 -115,470 -52,085 -167,555 Total -3,579,391 -1,639,920 8,289,628 958,191 9,247,819 1 The total of the ‘Administration Budget’ and ‘Near-Cash in Resource DEL’ figures may ^ell be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but -which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from total DEL since Capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
Of which: Sections = relevant Section of the Home Office 200708 Winter Supplementary Estimate near-cash Admin Total comprising: - 4,862,044 - 4,441,306 - 204,151 Take up of End-Year Flexibility: 150,000 150,000 0 Programme near-cash to increase National Offender Management Service (“NOMS”) HQ (Section G) budget to that agreed between the Home Office and the Ministry of Justice as part of the machinery of government changes. 80,000 80,000 — Programme near-cash to Counter Terrorism and Intelligence Grants (Section Q) to meet strategic objective 1. ‘Help people feel secure in their homes and local communities’. 46,000 46,000 — Programme near-cash to meet Office of Security and Counter Terrorism's (Section D) strategic objective to protect the public from terrorism. 24,000 24,000 — DEL Reserve claims: 30,000 30,000 0 Programme near-cash to NOMS HQ (Section G) for additional prison estate funding. 30,000 30,000 — Machinery of Government changes -5,017,143 -4,616,405 -188,265 On 29th March 2007, the Prime Minister announced that the functions and support costs comprising the National Offender Management Service and the Office for Criminal Justice Reform (“OCJR”) would transfer to the newly formed Ministry of Justice with effect from 9th May 2007. Details of the Resource DEL transfers are set out below: NOMS voted DEL, of which: -3,374,648 -2,932,988 -160,053 NOMS HQ (Section G) -1,083,719 - 693,336 -79,718 Prisons - Private Sector (Section H) -248,029 -224,309 - 1,078 Prisons — Public Sector (Section I) -1,985,192 - 1,958,09 - 75,000 Probation HQ (Section J) -57,708 - 57.251 - 4,257 NOMS non-voted DEL -1,271,124 -1,281,224 0 Of which: National Probation Service local area boards (Section AA) -858,541 -858,541 0 Parole Board (Section Z) -7,789 -7,789 0 Youth Justice Board (Section AB) -404,794 -400,794 0 Prisons - Public Sector (Section I) 0 - 14,100 0 OCJR voted DEL, Of which: -130,972 -115,107 -18,903 Criminal Justice Reform (Section F) -130,972 -115,107 -18,903 OCJR non- voted DEL, Of which: -205,863 -252,550 0 Criminal Cases Review Commission (Section AD) -7,274 -6,761 0 Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (Section AC) -198,589 -245,789 0 Central Corporate Services voted DEL -8,936 -8,936 -7,909 Of which: -8,936 -8,936 -7,909 Central Services (Section M) The Respect Task Force transferred to the newly created Department for Children, Schools and Families with effect from the 28th June 2007. Details of the Resource DEL transfers are set out below: Central Corporate Services voted DEL -25,600 -25,600 -1,400 Of which: Central Services (Section M) -10,887 -10,887 -1,400 Other Grants (Section T) -14,713 -14,713 0 Transfers from other Government Departments 5,114 5,114 3,114 Admin near-cash from the Cabinet Office to Central Service (Section M) for expansion of the Parliamentary Counsel Office. 1,610 1,610 1,610 Admin near-cash from the Cabinet Office to Counter Terrorism and Intelligence (Section D) for staff transferring to the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism. 104 104 104 Admin near-cash from the Ministry of Justice to Central Services (Section M) for the general arm of the shared property service. 1,400 1,400 1,400 Programme near-cash from the Department for International Development to the Border and Immigration Agency (Section K) to help failed asylum seekers resettle in their own country. 1,000 1,000 0 Programme near-cash from HM Revenue and Customs for additional agreed funding for the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Section X). 1,000 1,000 0 Transfers to other Government Departments: - 30,015 - 30,015 0 Programme near-cash from Police (Section A) to the Ministry of Justice representing a transfer of Criminal Justice System IT (CJSIT) ring fenced funds. - 28,358 - 28,358 0 Programme near-cash from Crime Reduction (Section B) to the Ministry of Justice for the additional costs of implementing the provisions of the Violent Crime Reduction Act. - 1,561 - 1,561 0 Programme near-cash from Crime Reduction (Section B) to the Crown Prosecution Service for the additional costs of implementing the provisions of the Violent Crime Reduction Act. -96 -96 0 Classification changes: 0 0 - 19,000 Switch from admin to programme non cash (£19,000,000) 0 0 - 19,000 Planning round changes: Planning round changes are in two parts; changes made to reflect the delegated budgets prior to the machinery of Government (MOG) changes and mid year review changes to reflect the Department's changing priorities post MOG. Planning round prior to MOG: Police (Section A) 27,181 27,181 166 Counter Terrorism and Intelligence (Section D) -6,034 -4,434 0 Drugs (Section E) 52,490 52,490 0 Criminal Justice Reform (Section F) 26,123 26,596 0 NOS HQ (Section G) -37,541 -43,941 2,794 Prisons - Private Sector (Section H) -729 -729 0 Prisons - Pubic Sector (Section I) 50,595 32,695 -2,960 Border and Immigration Agency (Section K) -17,990 -18,300 0 Central Services (Section M) - 4,963 - 4,996 9,000 Police Grants (Section O) -60,934 -60,934 0 Other Grants (Section T) 13,963 13,963 0 Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (Section AC) -23,460 20,000 0 National Probation Service local area boards (Section AA) 6,780 6,780 0 Office of the Immigration Service Commissioner (Section AE) 590 700 0 Parole Board (Section Z) 1,300 1,300 0 Youth Justice Board (Section AB) -18,371 -19,371 0 Departmental Unallocated Provision -9,000 -9,000 -9,000 Mid-year review post MOG: Police (Section A) 17,000 17,000 0 Counter Terrorism and Intelligence (Section D) -10,000 -7,000 5,000 Border and Immigration Agency (Section K) 20,000 20,000 0 Identity and Passport Service (Section L) -22,000 19,000 Central Services (Section M) -2,000 17,000 -2,000 Recovered asset CFERs -14,000 -14,000 0 Departmental Unallocated Provision -11,000 -11,000 -22,000
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
Sections = relevant Section of the Home Office 200708 Winter Supplementary Estimate Capital Total comprising: -575,239 Machinery of Government changes - 560,439 On 29th March 2007, the Prime Minister announced that the functions and support costs comprising the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) and the Office for Criminal Justice Reform (OCJR) would transfer to the newly formed Ministry of Justice with effect from 9th May 2007. Details of the capital DEL transfers are set out below: NOMS voted DEL Of which: NOMS HQ (Section G) - 474,799 Prisons - Public Sector (Section I) - 16,304 Probation HQ (Section J) - 1,800 NOMS non-voted DEL Of which: Youth Justice Board (Section AB) -20,000 OCJR voted DEL: Of which: Criminal Justice Reform (Section F) -37,441 OCJR non-voted DEL Of which: Criminal Case s Review Commission (Section AD) -95 Central Corporate Services voted DEL Of which: Central Service (Section M) -10,000 Transfers to other Government Departments: - 14,800 Capital grants from Police (Section A) to the Ministry of Justice representing a transfer of CJSIT ring fenced funds. - 12,200 Capital from Central Services (Section M) to the Ministry of Justice representing a contribution towards building improvement works at a shared service centre. - 2,600 Planning round changes: Planning round changes made to reflect the delegated budgets prior to the MOG changes: Criminal Justice Reform (Section F) 575 NOMSHQ (Section G) 44,296 Prisons - Public Sector (Section I) 304 Probation HQ (Section J) 1,100 Border and Immigration Agency (Section K) 31,485 Identity and Passport Agency (Section L) -73,700 Central Services (Section M) 6,000 Police Grants (Section O) - 10,000
Innovation, Universities and Skills
Departmental Expenditure (DIUS)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary New Estimate, the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be £18,087,949,000 and the administration cost budget will be £71,840,000.
Within the DEL, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL -3,742,948 19,860,165 16,117,217 Of which : Administration budget1 71,840 0 71,840 Near Cash in Resource DEL -5,175,121 19,713,429 14,538,308 Capital DEL2 -93,408 2,064,140 1,970,732 Less Depreciation 3 - 4,567 -128,757 -133,324 Total DEL -3,840,923 21,795,548 17,954,625 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Resource DEL
The increase in the resource element of the DEL of £16,117,217,000 arises from a decrease in the voted element of the resource DEL of £3,742,948,000 and an increase of £19,860,165,000 in the non-voted element of resource DEL mainly in the Department's non-departmental public bodies.
Voted Resource DEL
The £3,742,948,000 decrease in the voted element of the resource DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government (MOG) changes a transfer of £334,202,000 from the Department for Business, Enterprise arid Regulatory Reform (BERR), a net receipt transfer of £4,297,101,000 from the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF).
A movement to non-voted Department Unallocated Provision of £12,000,000.
A technical movement of £81,706,000 from non-voted resource DEL to offset original receipt for Higher Education Investment Fund, included as part of the DCSF MOG transfers.
A technical movement of £301,000 from non-voted resource DEL to amend depreciation and cost of capital totals to agreed Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) limits.
A transfer from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £26,800,000 in respect of the Business Resource Efficiency Waste Programme.
A transfer of £6,270,000 from the Ministry of Justice for prisoner education costs.
A transfer of £230,000 to the Ministry of Justice for PICTA.
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £202,104,000 from the BERR.
A technical movement of £85,000,000 to non-voted resource DEL to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for the Higher Education Investment Fund.
Non-voted resource DEL
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £2,586,368,000 from the BERR, a transfer of £17,247,858,000 from the DCSF.
A movement from voted resource DEL to Department Unallocated Provision of £12,000,000.
A technical movement of £301,000 to voted resource DEL to amend depreciation and cost of capital totals to agreed Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) limits.
A technical movement of £3,294,000 from voted resource DEL for the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for the Higher Education Investment Fund.
The take up of end year flexibility of £10,946,000 to cover non-cash provision associated with the Research Councils.
Capital DEL
The increase in the capital element of the DEL of £1,970,732,000 arises from a £93,408,000 decrease in the voted element of capital DEL and an increase of £2,064,140,000 in the non-voted element of capital DEL.
Voted Capital DEL
The £93,408,000 decrease in the voted element of the capital DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £19,932,000 from the BERR, a net receipt transfer of £456,700,000 from the DCSF.
A technical movement of £281,970,000 from non-voted capital DEL to offset original receipt for Science, Research Innovation Fund, included as part of the DCSF MOG transfers.
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £299,000,000 from the BERR.
A technical movement of £281,970,000 to non-voted capital DEL to the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) for the Science, Research Innovation Fund.
A transfer of £32,391,000 from BERR voted capital for Science Research Investment Fund.
A drawdown of EYF of £11,969,000 for capital Science and Research Investment Fund.
Non-voted Capital DEL
The £2,064,140,000 increase in the non-voted element of capital DEL arises from:
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £395,569,000 from the BERR, a transfer of £1,622,962,000 from the DCSF.
A transfer of £45,609,000 from the BERR for capital provision associated with the Research councils.
Administration Cost Budget
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £14,690,000 from the BERR, a transfer of £43,450,000 from the DCSF.
A reclassification of £5,200,000 from programme provision to administration in relation to consultancy costs.
Following the machinery of government changes a transfer of £8,500,000 from the BERR.
EU Education Council
Lord Triesman will attend the Education Council on 15 November, representing both DIUS and DCSF interests. The agenda items are as follows:
Ministers are expected to reach political agreement on the proposed European Qualifications Framework, following amendments agreed with the European Parliament. These amendments are in line with the General Approach which was agreed at a previous Council.
Ministers will be asked to adopt Conclusions on improving the quality of teacher education. These are aimed at improving both teacher training and the qualifications required by teachers, which are not formalised in many European countries. The UK is content with the text.
Ministers are expected to adopt Resolutions on “New skills for new jobs” and on “Education and training as a key driver of the Lisbon Strategy”. These emphasise the importance of skills in the knowledge economy, and the role of education and training in achieving the Lisbon goals. The education and skills contribution to the Lisbon Agenda will be further discussed at an informal ministerial lunch.
It is expected that a General Approach will be agreed on the extension of the Erasmus Mundus Higher Education programme from 2009-2014. The UK supports this text. There will be an exchange of views on promoting the mobility of students, in particular regarding support; for students from less favourable socio-economic backgrounds.
There will also be an exchange of views on an Action Plan to promote multilingualism, and on a Resolution on modernising universities for Europe's global competitiveness. This Resolution is to be finalised at the Competitiveness Council on 22-23 November.
International Development
Departmental Expenditure (DFID)
As a consequence of budgetary transfers associated with the Winter Supplementary Estimates, the Department for International Development total departmental expenditure limit will be reduced by £4,995,000 from £5,259,352,000 to £5,254,357,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on Resource and Capital is set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non Voted Voted Non Voted Total Resource DEL -73,000 - 4,995 3,810,228 748,889 4,559,117 Of which: Administration Budget1 232,000 232,000 Near-cash in RDEL -73,000 - 4,995 3,724,799 764,939 4,489,738 Capital DEL 73,000 - 716,250 - 716,250 Less Depreciation2 . -21,010 . -21,010 Total DEL - - 4,995 4,505,468 748,889 5,254,357 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The net change in the Resource element of DEL arises from:
£10,000 transferred from the Cabinet Office in respect of DFID's use of the Parliamentary Council's Office.
£1,000,000 transferred to the Home Office; as a contribution to funds for migration projects
A Transfer of Global Conflict Prevention Pool to Foreign and Commonwealth office of £3,000,000 for quick impact projects in Helmand Province Afghanistan.
A Transfer to Department for Culture, Media and Sport for £1,000,000 in relation to the London 2012 International Sport Development Initiative.
A Transfer to Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs of £5,000 which relates to a shortfall from a previous transfer made relating to Montreal Protocol.
A reduction of £73,000,000 arising from a reclassification of debt relief payments from current grants to capital grants.
The net change in the Capital element of DEL arises from:
An increase of £73,000,000 arising from a reclassification of debt relief payments from current grants to capital grants.
Criminal Justice Strategic Plan
The Government have today laid before Parliament “Working Together to Cut Crime and Deliver Justice: A Strategic Plan for Criminal Justice 2008-11”(Cm 7247). This plan sets out how we will deliver the new Justice for All Public Service Agreement targets for the Criminal Justice System to improve efficiency and effectiveness in bringing offences to justice, especially serious offences; increase public confidence and victim and witness satisfaction; increase recovery of criminal assets and improve enforcement of the orders of the court.
The strategic plan sets out a new approach to the way in which the criminal justice agencies—police, prosecution, courts, probation, prison and youth justice services—will work together to improve efficiency and effectiveness in bringing offences to justice by giving Local Criminal Justice Boards greater flexibility to tailor their work to local priorities. The Plan also sets out how the Criminal Justice System will support the Government's wider drive to make communities safer through reducing crime and re-offending, as detailed in the Crime Strategy: Cutting Crime: A New Partnership 2008-11, published on 19 July.
By working together more closely, staff in the Criminal Justice System have already successfully brought more offences to justice, improved services to victims and witnesses and built strong partnerships sat national and local level to drive up performance, supported by modern technology.
This plan builds on that success and sets out our commitment to a Criminal Justice System which:
is effective in bringing offences to justice
engages the public and inspires confidence
puts the needs of victims at its heart; and has
simple and efficient processes.
While we have made great strides in tackling volume crime, there is more to do to tackle some of the most serious crimes, such as sexual and violent crime and support the victims of these crimes. At the other end of the scale, we need to intervene earlier and more effectively with young people at risk, both victims and offenders. We need to continue our drive to tackle some of the most intractable problems - mental health, substance misuse and social exclusion - which underlie many crimes.
We recognise that it is crucial to engage the public more closely in the work of the Criminal Justice System. We need to bring the Criminal Justice System closer to the people it serves so that we inform them, consult them and tell them how we are responding to their views. Local Criminal Justice Boards, working with local communities and Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships will have a key role in achieving this. More needs to be done to ensure that the Criminal Justice System provides a service which is fair and effective for all sections of the community.
We will go further in improving the efficiency of every part of the system making better use of the technology that is now in place, and give local areas title freedom to innovate and drive locally-tailored programmes of change.
The programmes of work we set out in this plan will support this local approach. We are designing a blueprint for local leadership to enable Local Criminal Justice Boards to implement a co-ordinated programme of reform which is shared by all the criminal justice agencies and engage effectively with local communities and local partners to tackle local priorities and reduce crime and re-offending.
We have set ourselves a challenging target on asset recovery sending a strong signal that crime does not pay. Offenders will be held to account for their actions and offered more opportunities to make amends to their victims and society. We will ensure that standards of service to victims and witnesses are embedded throughout the Criminal Justice System and that we respond to the needs of all victims, particularly the victims of the most serious crimes.
We will continue to drive improvements across the whole criminal justice process. But we will do so in a different way. At a national level we will provide the framework and support, but improvements will be driven at local level, informed by local priorities. We will measure and respond to the views of local people about their local services. We will work in partnership with local community and voluntary organisations. We will build on what works to make a sustainable difference to reducing crime and re-offending in communities.
Winter Supplementary Estimate (Ministry of Justice)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Northern Ireland Court Service and The National Archives Total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased as follows:
Total DEL for Ministry of Justice (RfRl, 2 & 3) will be increased by £5,843,241,000 from £3,784,762,000 to £9,628,003,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £189,180,000 from £523,536,000 to £712,716,000.
Total DEL for the Northern Ireland Court Service (NICS) will be reduced by (£1,749,000) from £132,319,000 to £130,570,000 and there is no change in administration budget.
Total DEL for The National Archives (TNA) will be increased by £3,379,000 from £44,161,000 to £47,540,000 and the administration budget will be reduced by (£43,711,000) due to a reclassification from administration to programme budget.
Within the Total DEL change for Ministry of Justice (RfRl, 2 & 3), the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 4,057,099 1,324,762 5,807,626 3,356,562 9,164,188 Of which: Administration Budget1 189,180 0 712,716 0 712,716 Near-cash in RDEL 3,189,394 1,599,549 4,657,358 3,866,348 8,523,706 Capital2 636,913 27,055 771,648 30,055 801,703 Less Depreciation3 -196,635 -5,953 -331,934 -5,954 -337,888 Total 4,497,377 1,345,864 6,247,340 3,380,663 9,628,003 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource and capital element of the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) DEL arises from:
RfRl: To promote the development of a modern, fair, cost effective and efficient system of justice for all.
Resource Change; Admin (total increase of £189,133,000)
Machinery of Government Transfers:
Increase of £160,053,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the National Offender Management Service (NOMS) from the Home Office.
Increase of £18,903,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the Office for Criminal Justice Reform (OCJR) from the Home Office
Increase of £7,909,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of Corporate Services from the Home Office.
Increase of £2,268,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the Privy Council Secretariat and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from the Privy Council Office.
Resource Change: Admin (total decrease of £485.000)
Decrease £485,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the responsibility for the audit of the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) by HM Inspectorate of Court Administration, to the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) in the Department of Children Schools and Families.
Resource Change; Programme (total increase of £5,218,287,000
Machinery of Government Transfers:
Increase of £4,485,719,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of NOMS from the Home Office.
Increase of £317,932,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of the OCJR from the Home Office.
Increase of £1,027,000 in resource in relation to the transfer of Corporate Services from the Home Office.
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF):
Increase of £70,000,000 in resource in relation to the Modernisation Fund.
Increase of £52,000,000 in resource in relation to funding for the Service Upgrade Project (SUPS), PROGRESS and other Projects.
Increase of £30,000,000 in resource in relation to the Reform and Modernisation Programme (RAMP).
Increase of £28,000,000 in resource in relation to Elections funding.
Other Increases:
Increase of £192,000,000 in resource in relation to an uplift of non-cash in the CSR07 baseline.
Increase of £21,675,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the National Policing Improvement Authority, part of the Home Office to NOMS in relation to NOMIS Project.
Increase of £11,650,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to the Youth Justice Board in relation to the Criminal Justice IT (CJIT) funding.
Increase of £2,563,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to OCJR in relation to CJIT funding.
Increase of £2,470,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to be transferred on to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in relation to CJIT funding.
Increase of £1,561,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office in relation to the Violent Crime Reduction Act.
Increase of £685,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Increase of £774,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the DIUS to NOMS in relation to Learning and Skills costs for Immigration Removal Centres.
Increase of £230,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills (DIUS) to NOMS in relation to Police ICT Academy costs.
Increase of £1,000 in resource in relation to an increase in Grant to the Information Commissioners' Office (ICO).
Resource Change: Programme (total decrease of (£25,606,000)
Other Decreases:
Decrease of £12,783,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation to CJIT funding.
Decrease of £6,270,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the DIUS in relation to prisoner education costs.
Decrease of £2,225,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Department for Communities and Local Government - Government Equalities Office in respect of the Commission for Equality and Human Rights.
Decrease of £1,400,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Home Office in relation to Property Group.
Decrease of £1,291,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation Local Criminal Justice Boards.
Decrease of £635,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Department of Health in relation to prisoner healthcare costs.
Decrease of £539,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation to PROGRESS funding.
Decrease of £245,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the Welsh Assembly in relation to the health funds for Wales.
Decrease of £218,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer to the CPS in relation to violent crime reduction.
Capital Change (total increase of £663,968,000)
Machinery of Government Transfer:
Increase of £512,903,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of NOMS from the Home Office.
Increase of £37,536,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of the OCJR from the Home Office.
Increase of £10,000,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of Corporate Services from the Home Office.
Increase of £87,000 in capital in relation to the transfer of the Privy Council Secretariat and the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council from the Privy Council Office.
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF):
Increase of £30,000,000 in ring fence capital funding in relation to the Reform and Modernisation Programme (RAMP).
Other Increases:
Increase of £50,000,000 in capital in relation to an uplift in CSR07 baseline.
Increase of £17,482,000 in capital in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to NOMS in relation to CJIT funding.
Increase of £3,960,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Home Office to the Youth Justice Board in relation to capital CJIT funding
Increase of £2,000,000 in capital DEL in relation to CORE Capital Grants.
RfR2: Overseeing the effective operation of the devolution settlement in Scotland and representing the interests of Scotland in the UK Government.
Resource Change: Admin (total increase of £56,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £56,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Scottish Parliament in relation to information technology costs.
RIR3: To support the Secretary of State in discharging his role of representing Wales in the UK Government, representing the UK Government in Wales and ensuring the smooth running of the devolution settlement in Wales
Resource Change: Admin (total increase of £476,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £226,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Parliamentary Counsel Office.
Increase of £220,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Welsh Assembly in relation to a non-cash requirement to cover increased impairment charges.
Increase of £30,000 in resource in relation to a budgetary transfer from the Welsh Assembly in relation to Lords Lieutenant costs.
There is no change in the capital element ofRfR2 and RfR3 DEL
Within the Total DEL change for Northern Ireland Court Service, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL -130 871 53,381 79,799 133,180 Of which: Administration Budget1 0 0 2,311 0 2,311 Near-cash in RDEL -3,630 3,630 38,706 75,928 114,634 Capital 0 10 6,000 10 6,010 Less Depreciation2 -2,500 0 -8,600 -20 -8,620 Total -2.630 881 50,781 79,789 130,570 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource and capital element of the Northern Ireland Court Service (NICS) DEL arises from:
Resource Change: Programme (total increase of £871,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £741,000 in non-voted resource relating to a Machinery of Government transfer from the Northern Ireland Office to cover spending by the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel of Northern Ireland when transferred from the Northern Ireland Office on 1 December 2007.
Increase of £130,000 in non-voted resource relating to an increase in the grant in aid paid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.
Resource Change: Programme (total decrease of £130.000)
Other Decreases:
Decrease of £130,000 in resource to finance an increase in grant in aid paid to the Northern Ireland Judicial Appointments Commission.
Capital Change (total increase of £10,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £10,000 in capital arises from the transfer of capital spending of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals panel of Northern Ireland when transferred from the Northern Ireland Office on 1 December 2007.
Within the Total DEL change for The National Archives, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 1 0 44,940 0 44,490 Of which: Administration Budget1 -43,711 0 0 0 0 Near-cash in RDEL 0 0 35,471 0 35,471 Capital 4,285 0 7,600 0 7,600 Less Depreciation2 -907 0 -5,000 0 -5,000 Total 3,379 0 47,540 0 47,540 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource and capital element of The National Archives DEL arises from:
Resource Change: Admin (total decrease of £46,015.000)
Other decreases:
Decrease of £42,852,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of Public Records Office following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Decrease of £2,016,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of the Office of Public Sector Information following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Decrease of £1,147,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of Historical Manuscripts Commission following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Appropriation in Aid (A-in-A) Change: Admin (total decrease of £2,304,000)
Decrease of £2,304,000 in A-in-A in relation to a reclassification of income from administration spend to programme.
Resource Change: Programme (total increase of £46,016,000)
Other Increases:
Increase of £42,852,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from the administration budget to programme in respect of Public Records Office following a review of the of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Increase of £2,016,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of the Office of Public Sector Information following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
Increase of £1,147,000 in resource in relation to a transfer from administration budget to programme in respect of Historical Manuscripts Commission following a review of the categorisation of the budget that deemed it appropriate to reclassify administration spend as programme.
A token increase in resource of £1,000 reflecting the increase in gross resource of £5,142,000 and an increase in operating Appropriations in Aid (AinA) of £5,141,000 to cover increased service delivery costs and activity.
Appropriation in Aid (A-in-A) Change: Programme (total increase of £2,304,000)
Increase of £2,304,000 in A-in-A in relation to a reclassification of income from admin spend to programme
Capital Change (total increase of £4,285,000)
Take up of End-Year Flexibility (EYF):
Increase of £4,285,000 in capital in relation to improvements to facilities at Kew.
Cabinet Office
Departmental Expenditure (Cabinet Office)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the Winter Supplementary Estimate 2007-08, the Cabinet Office total Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) has changed from the amount Voted in the Main Estimate 2007-08.
As a result, the Cabinet Office Total DEL has increased by £22,683,000 from £375,914,000 to £398,597,000.
The impact on Resource DEL (RDEL) and Capital DEL (CDEL) is set out in the following table:
£'000 Main Estimate DEL Changes Winter Supplementary Estimate New DEL Voted Non Total Voted Non Total Voted Non Total Voted Voted Voted Resource DEL 322,985 40,358 363,343 -12,026 +4,669 -7,357 310,959 45,027 355,986 Of which: Administration 236,600 - 236,600 -19,542 - -19,542 217,058 - 217,058 Budget Near cash in 277,374 41,108 318,482 -11,530 +3,919 -7,611 265,844 45,027 310,871 RDEL Capital DEL 48,857 50 48,907 +30,012 +50 +30,062 78,869 100 78,969 Depreciation 1 -36,336 - -36,336 -22 - -22 -36,358 - -36,358 Total DEL 335,506 40,408 375,914 +17,964 +4,719 +22,683 353,470 45,127 398,597 1 Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The changes in the 2007-08 Winter Supplementary Estimate compared to the Main Estimate 2007-08 are due to Machinery of Government (MOG) transfers, Budget Cover Transfers, End Year Flexibility, transfers from RDEL to CDEL and drawdowns on the Reserve occurring in the current financial year.
Changes in Resource DEL (RDEL)
Changes result in a net decrease of £7,357,000.
Outward transfers amount to a reduction in RDEL by £29,078,000 as follows:
Machinery of Government transfers
Better Regulation Executive (BRE) transfer to the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (DBERR formerly DTI) reduces RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £11,429,000.
Prime Minister's Delivery Unit (PMDU) transfer to HM Treasury (HMT) reduces RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £4,028,000.
Budget cover transfers outwards
A budget transfer of cover to 14 Government Departments to cover the costs of the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (OPC) reduces RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £8,389,000.
A Budget transfer to Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) for Government Offices reduces RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £764,000.
A Budget transfer to the Home Office (HO) to cover administration costs reduces RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £104,000.
A Budget transfer to Office of National Statistics (ONS) to provide Administration cover for development reduces RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £164,000.
A transfer from RDEL to CDEL for SCOPE programme funding and the property refurbishment in Emergency Planning College reduces RDEL by £4,150,000 of which: Administration expenditure by £450,000 and programme expenditure by £3,700,000. The Net Cash Requirement is not affected.
A transfer from non voted programme expenditure in RDEL to non voted CDEL CapacityBuilders (UK) Ltd, an Executive Non Departmental Public Body reduces RDEL by £50,000,, The Net Resource Requirement and Net Cash Requirement are unaffected.
Inward transfers amount to an increase of £21,721,000 as follows:
Machinery of Government transfers
The Lord President of the Council Office and the Leader of the House of Lords and the Leader and the Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, and the Offices of the Government Whips in the House of Commons and House of Lords transfer from the Privy Council Office increases RDEL by £4,553,000, including non cash by £47,000 and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £4,546,000.
Drawdown on the Reserves
Drawdown from the Special CT Reserve in HM Treasury to provide funding for the BBC monitoring programme increases RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £5,000,000.
Drawdown from the Reserve for VAT Reimbursement for BBC Children in Need increases RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £299,000.
Drawdown for V Matched Funding for the Office of the Third Sector to cover grant expenditure increases RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £3,301,000.
Drawdown from the Invest to Save Budget (ISB) for Office of the Third Sector for grant expenditure increases RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £399,000.
Budget cover transfers
A transfer from the disbanded Deputy Prime Minister's Office (DPMO) covering funds transferred from Cabinet Office in the Main Estimate increases RDEL and Net Cash Requirement in the Estimate by £1,233,000.
A transfer from Security and Intelligence Agencies to fund the BBC monitoring programme increases RDEL and Net Cash Requirement by £3,647,000.
Take up of End Year Flexibility
Drawdown Resource EYF (DEL cover only) cover for CapacityBuilders (UK) Limited £3,289,000; this represents funds held by CapacityBuilders (UK) Ltd at 31 March 2007 and remaining unspent. This does not affect the Net Cash Requirement nor Net Resource Requirement.
Changes in Capital DEL (CDEL)
Changes result in a net increase of £30,062,000 as follows:
Machinery of Government transfers
The Lord President of the Council Office and the Leader of the House of Lords and the Leader and the Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, and the Offices of the Government Whips in the House of Commons and House of Lords transfer from the Privy Council Office (PCO) increases CDEL and Net Cash Requirement by £40,000.
A transfer from RDEL to CDEL for SCOPE programme funding £3,700,000 and the property refurbishment in Emergency Planning College £450,000 increases CDEL by £4,150,000. Net Cash Requirement is not affected.
A transfer from non voted programme expenditure in RDEL to non voted CDEL for CapacityBuilders (UK) Ltd, an Executive Non Departmental Public Body increases CDEL by £50,000. The Net Cash Requirement is not affected.
Take up of End Year Flexibility (EYF)
Drawdown Capital DEL EYF to fund the SCOPE programme and other property projects across the Whitehall Estate increases CDEL and Net Cash Requirement by £25,822,000 of which: £22,143,000 to cover costs of the SCOPE programme and £3,679,000 for various property projects across the Whitehall Estate.
Departmental Expenditure (Charity Commission)
Plans to change the Charity Commission’s Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) and administration budget for 2007-08.
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Charity Commission total DEL will be increased by £1,001,000 from £30,992,000 to £31,993,000. Within the total DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource DEL 1,500 0 31,743 0 31,743 Of which: Administration Budget1 1,500 0 31,743 0 31,743 Near-cash in RDEL 1,500 0 30,732 0 30,732 Capital2 -499 0 900 0 900 Less Depreciation3 0 0 -650 0 -650 Total DEL 1,001 0 31,993 0 31,993 1The total of ‘Administration Budget' and ‘Near-cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than total resource DEL, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital DEL includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The change in the resource element of the DEL and in the administration budget arises from additional funding agreed in the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) Settlement as follows:
expenditure of £1,000,000 to review the links between terrorist financing and charities;
£500,000 to fund additional responsibilities following the passage of the Charities Act 2006.
The change in the administration budget also arises from additional funding in the 2007 CSR settlement as detailed above.
The change in the capital element of the DEL reflects a reduction of funding on capital spending of £499,000 following the 2007 Comprehensive Spending Review Settlement.
The Supplementary Estimate also details changes in operating appropriations in aid, fully offset by changes in spending and not impacting on the Commission's Departmental Expenditure Limit:
project funding of £450,000 by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the continuation of the International Outreach project;
funding of £400,000 by the Department for Communities and Local Government for the creation of the Faith and Social Cohesion unit;
£250,000 additional accommodation charges funded by the sub-letting of a floor at the Commission's London office building.
Departmental Expenditure (National School of Government)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the National School of Government departmental expenditure limit (DEL) will be increased by £802,000 from £415,000 to £1,217,000 and the administration costs limit will be £1,217,000. Voted Capital will increase by £401,000 to £1,270,000. These figures reflect a take up of End Year Flexibility from 2006-07 and a transfer of £200,000 from Resource to Capital.
Within the DEL change, the impact of resources and Capital are as set out in the following table:
£’000 Change Voted Total Resource 802 1,217 1,217 Of which: Administration Budget* 802 1,217 1,217 Near-cash in RDEL 802 117 117 Capital** 401 1,270 1,270 Depreciation*** 0 -500 -500 Total 1,203 1,987 1,987 *The total of the ‘Administration Budget' and the ‘Near cash in Resource DEL' figures may well be greater than the total resource DEL, due to definitions overlapping. **Capital DEL includes items treated as resources in Estimates and Accounts but which are treated as Capital DEL in Budgets. ***Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Departmental Expenditure (Government Equalities Office)
The Transfer of Functions (Equality) Order 2007 (No. 2914) confirms the establishment of the Government Equalities Office and details the functions that have transferred from the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government. The transfer of functions from the Department of Communities and Local Government came into force on 12 October 2007.
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Government Equalities Office Departmental Expenditure Limit will be set at £73,430,000 and the administration budget will be set at £3,885,000. The Departmental Expenditure Limit includes £46,500,000 resource and £7,000,000 capital funding for the Commission for Equality and Human Rights.
Within the Departmental Expenditure Limit, the impact on resource and capital is as set out in the following table:
Voted Non-voted Total Resource 33,296 33,538 66,834 Of which:1 Administration 3,885 0 3,885 Near-cash 33,296 32,929 66,225 Capital 2 0 7,175 7,175 Depreciation 3 0 -579 -579 Total 33,296 40,134 73,430 1The Total of ‘administration budget' and ‘near-cash' figures may be greater than total resource Departmental Expenditure Limit, due to the definitions overlapping. 2Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit includes items treated as resource in Estimates and accounts but which are treated as Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit in budgets. 3Depreciation, which forms part of resource Departmental Expenditure Limit, is excluded from the total Departmental Expenditure Limit since capital Departmental Expenditure Limit includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Northern Ireland
Departmental Expenditure (Northern Ireland Office)
Subject to Parliamentary approval the Northern Ireland Office (NIO) will be taking a 2007/08 Winter Supplementary Estimate. The effect this will have is to increase the NIO's DEL by £190,138,000 from £1,163,537,000 to £1,353,675,000.
Change New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-voted Total Resource 65,069 136,855 368,289 974,639 1,342,928 Admin Budget 5,045 -5,000 57,569 - 57,569 Near-cash 63,120 5,574 304,181 713,406 1,017,587 Capital -11,972 11,962 25,094 46,809 71,903 Depreciation 3,558 -15,334 -17,275 -43,881 -61,156 Total 56,655 133,483 376,108 977,567 1,353,675
The change in total DEL of £190,138,000 relates primarily to the draw down of End Year Flexibility of £172,500,000 of which £69,500,000 is near cash resource and £103,000,000 is non-cash. There is an increase of £30,000,000 in respect of a change in the discount rate for police pensions; a resource budget transfer of £165,000 from the Cabinet Office; and a Machinery of Government change of £751,000 to transfer responsibility for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel to the Northern Ireland Court Service.
The cash draw down is in relation to the additional resource requirement for various business areas within the Department such as Political Inquiries, Public Prosecution Service, NIPS, YJA, Criminal Justice, Bloody Sunday Inquiry, PSNI, Probation Board and Policing Board. The non-cash element is required for Public Prosecution Service, Compensation Agency, Youth Justice Agency and PSNI.
The administration budget increases by £3,045,000 from £78,824,000 to £81,869,000 as a result of the take up of End Year Flexibility and the resource budget transfer from the Cabinet Office.
The reduction in capital DEL of £10,000 is the Machinery of Government transfer of responsibility for the Criminal Injuries Compensation Appeals Panel to the Northern Ireland Court Service.
Prime Minister
European Union
I have appointed Sir Stephen Wall to write volume II of the Official History of the UK Accession to the European Union.
Departmental Expenditure (Scotland)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimates, the Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) provision for the administration of the Scotland Office will be increased by £56,000 and the Scotland DEL will be increased by £786,601,000 from £26,270,808,000 to £27,057,409,000.
The administration of the Scotland Office DEL increase takes account of the following routine adjustment:
a transfer of £56,000 from the Scottish Executive
The Scotland DEL increase takes account of the following routine adjustments to the Scottish Executive provision:
the take-up of End Year Flexibility (EYF) by the Scottish Executive amounting to £655,000,000;
The DEL increase also includes the following changes, amounting to a net increase of £155,991,000. These are:
a transfer of £25,947,000 from the Department for Transport;
a classification change in respect of the funding of the Scottish WaterCost of Capital of £130,100,000; and
a transfer of £56,000 to the Scotland Office.
The increases will be added to the planned total of public expenditure to fund spending commitments in the current financial year.
Departmental Expenditure (Attorney-General)
My right hon. Friend the Attorney-General has made the following written ministerial statement:
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the Winter Supplementary Estimate, the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £39,479,000 from £717,497,000 to £756,976,000 and the Administration budget will be increased by £7,382,000 from £112,261,000 to £119,643,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource 37,988 -7,000 749,341 749,341 Of which: Administration Budget 7,382 119,643 119,643 Near Cash in RDEL 37,426 -7,000 736,098 1,713 737,811 Capital 2,000 16,900 16,900 Depreciation1 -509 -9,265 -9,265 Total Del 39,479 -7,000 756,976 1,713 756,976 1Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
The Crown Prosecution Service's (CPS) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £14,815,000 from £631,537,000 to £646,352,000. The Administration budget will be reduced by £112,000 from £57,415,000 to £57,303,000.
The change in the CPS's DEL arises from:
The take up of £7,000,000 of the Departmental Unallocated Provision to support increased expenditure on the prosecution of criminal cases.
An increase due to a budgetary transfer of £1,291,000 programme from the Ministry of Justice to provide support to Local Criminal Justice Boards (LCJBs).
An increase of £539,000 programme DEL transferred from the Ministry of Justice to provide additional resources from Criminal Justice Information Technology (CUT) to fund the Case Progression Tool, ‘Progress'.
An increase of £2,364,000 programme for ExiSSrl from CJIT to allow the electronic transfer of case data between the Police and CPS.
An increase of £1,834,000 programme from the Ministry of Justice to provide additional resources as agreed in the CJIT Delivery Plan to fund enhancements to the Witness Management System (WMS).
An increase of £7,300,000 programme due to the re-allocation of resource DEL budgetary cover from the Ministry of Justice to provide additional resources to help fund the Compass Case Management System IT programme.
An increase of £1,285,000 programme due to the re-allocation of resource DEL budgetary cover from the Ministry of Justice to provide the CPS Serious Organised Crime team with a secure case management system and access to the government secure network.
An agreed transfer of £218,000 programme expenditure from the Department for Constitutional Affairs to fund the North Liverpool Community Justice Centre.
A transfer of £96,000 from the Home Office to fund CPS costs of delivery of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2007.
A decrease of £112,000 in administration resource due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, from the Crown Prosecution Service to HM Procurator General & Treasury Solicitors. This is required to help fund the provision of administrative services to the Attorney General by the Attorney General's Office.
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £17,145,000 from £37,669,000 to £54,814,000. The Administration budget will increase from £24,969 to £31,635.
The changes in the SFO's DEL arise from:
The take up of £2,000,000 Administration resource End Year Flexibility.
An increase of £13,649,000 from our two Block Buster Cases reserves. £4,670,000 to our Administration budget; £8,679,000 for our Programme budget and £300,000 for our Capital budget.
A decrease of £4,000 Administration resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, from the Serious Fraud Office to HM Procurator General & Treasury Solicitors. This is required to help fund the provision of administrative services to the Attorney General by the Attorney General's Office.
A cash neutral change to our administration budget of £300,000 being both increase in costs and increase in revenue as a consequence of Expected Proceeds of Crime Income.
The take up of £1,700,000 Capital End Year Flexibility to meet the cost of additional spend.
The Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office's (RCPO) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be reduced by £317,000 from £36,726,000 to £36,409,000. This reduction will occur within the Administration Budget which will be reduced from £18,253,000 to £17,936,000.
The change in RCPO's DEL arises from:
A decrease of £317,000 Administration resources due to the reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, from the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office to HM Procurator General & Treasury Solicitors. This is required to help fund the provision of administrative services to the Attorney General by the Attorney General's Office.
The HM Procurator General and Treasury Solicitor (TSol) element of the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £836,000 from £16,221,000 to £17,057,000. This increase will occur within the Administration Budget which will increase from £11,624,000 to £ 12,769,000.
The change in TSol's DEL arises from:
Administration cost changes in respect of a reallocation of resource DEL budgetary cover, within the Attorney General's resource DEL, of £4,000 from the Serious Fraud Office (SFO), £317,000 from the Revenue and Customs Prosecutions Office (RCPO) and £112,000 from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to the Treasury Solicitors Department to meet the cost of policy support to the Attorney General provided by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).
The take up of £712,000 resource End Year Flexibility to meet the cost of policy support to the Attorney General provided by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).
An increase of £309,000 in depreciation costs.
Departmental Expenditure (Department for Transport)
Subject to parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the Department for Transport departmental expenditure limit (DEL) for 2007-08 will be increased by £197,841,000 from £12,907,737,000 to £13,105,578,000 and the administration budget will be increased by £30,087,000 from £259,297,000 to £289,384,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital, are as set out in the following table:
Change in DEL New DEL Voted Non-Voted Voted Non-Voted Total Resource: 198,788 22,305 6,451,490 473,987 6,925,477 Of Which: Administration 30,711 -624 285,181 4,203 289,384 Near cash in RDEL 204,388 16,705 5,790,429 638,402 6,428,831 Capital 247,829 -264,829 5,437,836 1,105,542 6,543,378 LESS Depreciation1 -1,000 -5,252 -357,709 -5,568 -363,277 Total 445,617 -247,776 11,531,617 1,573,961 13,105,578 1Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Resource Change: Administration (total increase of £30,087,000)
Voted: total increase of £30,711,000.
(i) Reclassification of certain consultancies from programme to administration (£38,288,000);
(ii) Near cash transfer from the Cabinet Office for the Department's share of the Parliamentary Counsel Office costs (£292,000);
(iii) Partially offset by reclassification of front line activities from administration to programme for transport security (£7,523,000 near cash and £346,000 non cash).
Non Voted: total decrease of £624,000.
(i) Near cash transfer from administration non voted provision to the Department for Communities and Local Government as a contribution towards Government Offices' voluntary severance costs (£624,000).
Resource Change: Programme (total increase of £191,006,000)
Voted: total increase of £168,077,000
(i) Take up of £ 178,272,000 near cash end year flexibility covering:
a) rail franchising costs (£136,858,000);
b) Transport for London (£10,030,000);
c) support for the introduction of a national concessionary fares scheme (£20,384,000); and
d) lower than expected Vehicle Excise Duty enforcement receipts (£11,000,000).
(ii) Near cash increase of £15,000,000 to reflect the reclassification of Vehicle Excise Duty enforcement; receipts following the end of the netting off scheme from 2007-08;
(iii) A net transfer from non-voted resource provision of £14,171,000 comprising:
a) near cash cover for lower than expected Vehicle Excise Duty enforcement receipts (£8,150,000);
b) additional near cash enforcement work including tackling identity fraud, targeted roadworthiness roadside checks and enforcing compliance with Driver hours directive (£3,800,000);
c) an increase in non-cash provision for the Driving Standards Agency trading fund to cover increased cost of capital charges (£600,000);
d) an increase in non-cash provision for the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency trading fund to meet increased cost of capital charges (£1,700,000);
e) an increase in near cash provision for rail franchising costs (£163,000);
f) a near cash transfer of £7,900,000 to rail franchising from a reduction in utilisation of rail provision fully offset by an equivalent non cash transfer; all partially offset by:
g) a near cash transfer to non-voted provision for the Rail Passenger Council (£242,000).
(iv) A transfer from administration to reflect reclassification of front line activities from administration to programme for transport security (£7,869,000);
(v) Partially offset by:
a) a near cash transfer to administration to reflect reclassification of certain consultancies (£38,288,000); and
b) a near cash transfer to the Scottish Executive for rail services (£8,947,000).
Non voted: total increase of £22,929,000
(i) Take up of £37,100,000 near cash end year flexibility to replace non-voted provision used to ensure that the Main Estimates correctly reflected the level of GLA Transport Grant; partially offset by
(ii) A net transfer to voted resource provision of £ 14,171,000.
Capital change (total decrease of £17,000,000)
Voted: total increase of £247,829,000
(i) A transfer from non-voted capital provision of £264,829,000 comprising;
(a) a transfer from departmental unallocated provision to Network Rail capital grants (£168,000,000);
(b) a transfer from London and Continental Railways to Network Rail capital grants (£66,167,000);
(c) a transfer from British Transport Police to Network Rail capital grants (£2,500,000); and
(d) a reclassification from credit approvals to capital grant for local authorities' de-trunking (£35,362,000); partially offset by
(e) a transfer from the Driver and Vehicle Operators loan pool to investment for ongoing Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency projects (£7,200,000);
(ii) A transfer to the Scottish Executive for rail services (£17,000,000).
Non-voted: total decrease of £264,829,000 reflecting a net transfer to voted capital provision.
Departmental Expenditure (Wales Office)
The Welsh Assembly Government's Departmental Expenditure Limit will be increased by £29,750,000 from £13,789,740,000 to £13,819,490,000. The increase is a result of:
(a) Take-up of £30,000,000 EYF - Near Cash Less
(b) Transfers of £220,000 Non-cash and £30,000 Near Cash to the Wales Office
And includes:
(c) Capital to Resource switch of £48,500,000.
The increase in DEL will be offset by transfers from other Departments and will not therefore add to the planned total of public expenditure.
Provision for the Wales Office is increased by £476,000 as a result of
A transfer from the Parliamentary Counsel Office of £226,000 near-cash
A transfer from the Welsh Assembly Government of £220,000 non-cash
A transfer from the Welsh Assembly Government of £30,000 programme
Wales Office spending is contained within single Ministry of Justice Departmental Expenditure Limit and Administration Costs Limit.
Work and Pensions
Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Janet Paraskeva as the Chair Designate of the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission. Her appointment will take effect as from 19 November 2007. Janet Paraskeva brings extensive experience to this role from her time as Chief Executive of the Law Society, Director of the National Lottery Charities Board and as Chief Executive of the National Youth Agency. She is also currently the First Civil Service Commissioner.
Subject to the passage of the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Bill, the Child Maintenance and Enforcement Commission will have responsibility for the future Child Maintenance system. The Commission's key objective will be to get more money to more families, helping to lift more children out of poverty.
Disability Living Attendance Allowances
Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and Attendance Allowance (AA) are paid to people with extra needs arising from their disabilities. These benefits are administered by the Disability and Carers Service. Where people have reached state pension age and are receiving state pension or pension credit, normal practice is to combine the payment of AA or DLA with state pension and pension credit so that the customer receives one combined weekly payment of benefit. These combined payments are administered by The Pension Service.
The Department is responsible for administering more than 1.6 million such cases. It has recently been identified that over a period dating from 1996, there are just over 4,000 cases where our customers have been paid in error by both The Pension Service and the Disability and Carers Service. The total amount overpaid is estimated to be some £26 million. Steps have already been taken to prevent such duplicate payments occurring in the future.
It is clearly right that where duplicate payments are being made the position should be corrected. However, given that the customers involved are both elderly and disabled, I have decided not to seek recovery of past overpayments, some of which go back as far as 1996, in cases where the customer clearly did not know they were being overpaid.
I recognise that some people will need help in adjusting their finances to the reduced, albeit correct, level of benefit We believe that a very small number of the cases, around 50, involve people with a terminal illness and I judge it would not be appropriate to cause them and their families additional worry. In these cases, I propose to make ex-gratia payments to maintain the higher level of payment. Based on information held by the Department the estimated cost will be no more than £200,000 in a full year.
In all other cases I propose, at the same time as stopping the duplicate payment, to make in each case an ex-gratia payment of between £100 and £350, depending on the length of time they have been overpaid. Beyond that further ex-gratia payments will be considered on an individual basis in case of exceptional needs. The total cost of making the ex-gratia payments outlined above is estimated to be no more than £1.3 million.
Departmental Expenditure (Work and Pensions)
Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Work and Pensions Departmental Expenditure Limit will increase by £6,486,406 from £7,636,561,000 to £7,643,047,406 and the administration budget will increase by £17,880,000 from £5,798,484,000 to £5,816,364,000.
Within the Departmental Expenditure Limit change, the impact on resource and capital is as set out in the following table:
Change New Departmental Expenditure Limit Voted Non-voted Total Voted Non-voted Total Resource 53,139 -45,766 7,373 6,449,887 1,283,350 7,733,237 Of which: Administration 17,880 0 17,880 5,710,554 105,810 5,816,364 Near-cash 53,139 -45,766 7,373 6,238,517 1,332,008 7,570,525 Capital -887 0 -887 63,780 395 64,175 Depreciation1 0 0 0 -153,023 -1,342 -154,365 Total 52,252 -45,766 6,486 6,360,644 1,282,403 7,643,047 1 Depreciation, which forms part of resource Departmental Expenditure Limit, is excluded from the total Departmental Expenditure Limit since the capital Departmental Expenditure Limit includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.
Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit
The change in the resource element of the Departmental Expenditure Limit arises from:
Request for Resources 3
i. A HM Treasury reclassification of grant in aid of £1,093,000 paid to the Pension Protection Fund from capital to resource (grants).
Request for Resources 5
ii. A draw down of £6,000,000 from the Financial Inclusion Fund in respect of the Growth Fund (administration).
iii. A transfer of £280,000 from the Cabinet Office in respect of the expansion of the Parliamentary Counsel Office (administration).
Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit
The change in the capital element of the Departmental Expenditure Limit arises from:
Request for Resources 2
iv. A draw down of £206,406 from the Invest to Save Budget in respect of funding for the Single Homelessness Enterprise project (£191,406) and the Aspire project (£15,000).
Request for Resources 3
v. A HM Treasury reclassification of grant in aid of £1,093,000 paid to the Pension Protection Fund from capital to resource.
Administration costs
The movement in the Administration Cost limit arises from the changes to the Resource Departmental Expenditure Limit as noted in items i to iii above, plus:
vi. A transfer from other current to administration of £11,600,000,000 previously drawn down from the Housing Benefit Reform Fund to support the Rent Service.
Movements in non-voted expenditure
The reduction in non-voted resource expenditure is due to a reduction in the cost of administering National Insurance Fund benefit payments. This reduction is offset by an increase in voted resource due to an equivalent reduction in income from the HM Revenue and Customs to meet the cost of administering National Insurance Fund benefit payments:
Request for Resources 2
vii. A reduction in non-voted resource expenditure of £23,571,000 offset by an increase in voted resource expenditure of £23,571,000.
Request for Resources 3
viii. A reduction in non-voted resource expenditure of £12,105,000 offset by an increase in voted resource expenditure of £12,105,000.
Request for Resources 5
ix. A reduction in non-voted resource expenditure of £10,090,000 offset by an increase in voted resource expenditure of £10,090,000.