The exact number of people who appeared before a court for failure to declare a vehicle off the road are not recorded.
The number of people identified as failing to comply with statutory off-road notification legislation and who had enforcement action taken against them1 is shown in the table.
1 In the 2003-04 financial year enforcement did not pick up 100 per cent. of those who had failed to comply. Complete figures to answer the question are not available for that year. In all other years all people who were identified as failing to comply were the subject of enforcement action.
Number 2003-04 1,394,317 2004-05 1,183,544 2005-06 1,341,598 2006-07 1,272,384
In 2003-04 DVLA received 2.65 million statutory off-road notifications. In 2004-05 the figure was 3.66 million, in 2005-06 it was 4.19 million and in 2006-07 it was 4.20 million.