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Information relating to homicides recorded during the period 2001-02 to 2005-06 was published in table 1.05 of the Home Office Statistical Bulletin “Homicides, Firearm Offences and Intimate Violence, 2005/2006” (HOSB 02/07) and is shown in the following table.
Victim gender Year offence initially recorded as homicide3 Male Female 2001-02 29 117 2002-03 30 106 2003-04 26 95 2004-05 39 105 2005-06 23 83 1 As at 9 October 2006; figures are revised as cases are dealt with by the police and by the courts, or as further information becomes available. 2 Data for 2006-07 are scheduled to be published in late January 2008. 3 Homicide offences are shown according to the year in which the police initially recorded the offence as homicide. This is not necessarily the year in which the incident took place or the year in which any court decision was made. Source: Table 1.05 of HOSB 02/07