I present to the House a petition with 16,000 signatures of my constituents who are concerned about the proposed closure of the ambulance control centre in Shrewsbury. One of my constituents, Mr. Steve Jetley, has worked tirelessly and feels so strongly on this issue that he has resigned his job to focus on the campaign. Many people have been trying to get as many signatures as possible, feeling passionately that Shrewsbury and Shropshire should retain our ambulance control centre.
The petition states:
The Petition of those concerned about the proposed closure of the ambulance emergency operations centre in Shrewsbury,
Declares that the Petitioners condemn the proposed closure of the ambulance emergency operations centre in Shrewsbury, and are also deeply concerned about the possible loss of 16 fully trained ambulance control centre staff jobs.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Department of Health to instruct the west midlands ambulance service to guarantee the continuation of control services in Shropshire.
And the Petitioners remain, etc.