According to HM Revenue and Customs data, direct visible exports to Iran from the UK for the calendar year 2006 were worth some £431 million. Direct visible exports for the previous four calendar years were as follows: 2005 (463 million); 2004 (£443 million); 2003 (£476 million); and 2002 (£401 million). Data for the current year is only available for the period January-August 2007 and shows that direct visible exports from the UK to Iran over this period were worth some £254 million.
Data kept by the Office for National Statistics shows that invisible exports from the UK to Iran were worth some £212 million in 2006. Figures for the preceding four years were as follows: 2005 (£204 million); 2004 (£236 million); 2003 (£206 million); and 2002 (£178 million). Data for 2007 is currently unavailable.
Figures for indirect British exports to Iran (i.e. via a third country) are not kept.