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Overseas Trade: Iran

Volume 467: debated on Tuesday 20 November 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform what the total value was of UK trade with Iran in each of the last five financial years. (166141)

According to HM Revenue and Customs data, direct visible exports to Iran from the UK for the calendar year 2006 were worth some £431 million. Direct visible exports for the previous four calendar years were as follows: 2005 (463 million); 2004 (£443 million); 2003 (£476 million); and 2002 (£401 million). Data for the current year is only available for the period January-August 2007 and shows that direct visible exports from the UK to Iran over this period were worth some £254 million.

Data kept by the Office for National Statistics shows that invisible exports from the UK to Iran were worth some £212 million in 2006. Figures for the preceding four years were as follows: 2005 (£204 million); 2004 (£236 million); 2003 (£206 million); and 2002 (£178 million). Data for 2007 is currently unavailable.

Figures for indirect British exports to Iran (i.e. via a third country) are not kept.