(2) which websites are run by (a) her Department and (b) each of its agencies, listed by the order in which they went live;
(3) which websites run by (a) her Department and (b) its executive agencies are live but are no longer updated.
The website rationalisation exercise, which forms part of the Government's Transformational Government agenda, proposed a moratorium on the creation of new websites. The Department's policy is to adhere to that position.
There are currently 80 sites across the Department, its executive agencies and subsidiaries, 74 of which have been identified for closure. To clarify the exact date on which each of these sites was published and to clarify whether information has been published recently on each of these sites, would require dialogue with each website owner and could be provided only at disproportionate cost.
Following is a full list of the Department’s and executive agencies’ websites.
Department/executive agency Website About Transport Direct1 www.transportdirect.gov.uk A5951 www.a595.co.uk Arrive Alive1 www.arrivealive.info Bus Priority Resource Pack1 www.buspriority.org Car Fuel Data1 www.vcacarfueldata.org.uk Cyclesense1 www.cyclesense.net Cyclesmart1 www.cyclesmart.org Dartford River Crossing1 www.dartfordrivercrossing.co.uk Department for Transport www.dft.gov.uk DfT Matrix1 www.dft-matrix.net DPTAC e-community1 www.ecommunities.dft.gov.uk Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency1 www.dvla.gov.uk Driving Standards Agency1 www.dsa.gov.uk Drugdrive1 www.drugdrive.com DSA IRDT Instructor Services1 https://pt.dsa.gov.uk/DSAWeb/ DSA Practical test booking1 https://pt.dsa.gov.uk DSA Theory test bookings1 www.pearsonvue.com DVLA Online1 https://www.dvlaonline.gov.uk/Homepage.asp DVLA Personalised Registrations1 www.dvlaregistrations.co.uk DVLA.gov.uk/vehiclelicences1 www.vehiclelicence.gov.uk DVO Group (Driver, Vehicle and Operator Group) e-Community1 www.ecommunities.dft.gov.uk Electronic Service Delivery of Abnormal Loads (ESDAL) 1 www.esdal.com e-Tendering1 https://www.prep.dft.bravosolution.com/web/login.shtml Freight best practice1 www.freightbestpractice.org.uk Government Car and Despatch Agency1 www.gcda.gov.uk HA Car Share1 www.hacarshare.com HA Environmental Management System (HAEMS) 1 No longer planned HA EU Watch1 www. Haeuwatchits.info HA Guide to freight1 www.haguidetofreight.co.uk Halogen1 www.halogenonline.co.uk Halogen demo1 www.foyer-display.co.uk Halogen demo1 www.trafficxml.org.uk Heavy Goods Vehicle1 www.heavygoodvehicle.com Hedgehogs www.hedgehogs.gov.uk Highway Code1 www.highwaycode.gov.uk Highways Agency1 www.highways.gov.uk ITS Radar1 www.itsradar.co.uk M25 sphere1 www.mouchelparkman.com/area5/v3/rwis/area5.nsf/httpPublicMap?ReadForm Maritime and Coastguard Agency www.mcga.gov.uk MOT info1 www.motinfo.gov.uk Non-executive director job ad1 www.tribalresourcing.com/highways-ned/ ODS Databank1 www.odsdatabank.com PartnerNET1 www.ha-partnernet.org.uk Pass Plus1 www.passplus.org.uk Payroll Services e-Community1 www.ecommunities.dft.gov.uk Primary School Teaching Resource1 www.databases.dft.gov.uk/primary Property review group (BRBR) 1 www.railprg.org.uk/ Realtime Traffic Info1 www.realtime-traffic.info Research Compendium1 www.ha-research.gov.uk Research Database1 http://www.rmd.dft.gov.uk/ Road Safety Resources database1 www.databases.dft.gov.uk/roadsafety/ School Lesson Plans Database1 www.databases.dft.gov.uk/lessonplans Secondary School Teaching Resource1 www.databases.dft.gov.uk/secondary Standards for Highways1 www.standardsforhighways.co.uk Sustainable School Travel Database1 www.databases.dft.gov.uk/schools/ The Academy1 www.themotorcycleacademy.co.uk The Red Ensign Group www.redensigngroup.org Theory Tests1 www.theory-tests.co.uk THINK! 1 www.thinkroadsafety.gov.uk THINK! Seat belts1 www.thinkseatbelts.com Traffic England1 www.trafficengland.com Traffic Map1 www.trafficmap.co.uk Traffic Officer Recruitment1 www.betterhighways.co.uk Traffic radio1 www.trafficradio.org.uk Transec (Transport Security) e-Community1 www.ecommunities.dft.gov.uk Transport Direct www.transportdirect.info Transport Office1 www.transportoffice.gov.uk TSS Plans Registry1 www.tssplansregistry.co.uk UK Search and Rescue1 www.uk-sar.org.uk UK Ship Register www.ukshipregister.co.uk UTMC: Urban Traffic Management and control1 www.utmc.gov.uk VCA www.vca.gov.uk Vehicle Licensing Online1 www.dvla.gov.uk/vehiclelicence Vehicle Licensing Online (Direct.gov.uk/taxdisc) 1 www.direct.gov.uk/taxdisc Video Information Highway1 www.vihengland.org VOSA Corporate site1 www.vosa.gov.uk Water Freight Grant Environmental Benefit Calculator1 www.dft-eb-calculator.co.uk WebDAS (Departures from Standards)—Planned1 Not yet launched WebTAG: Transport Analysis Guidance1 www.webtag.org.uk What if? 1 www.ask-what-if.com 1 Either closed or identified for closure