The reduction in the number of inspections at sea since 1997 can largely be attributed to:
(a) a reduction in the overall number of fishing vessels in the European fleet;
(b) a reduction in the number of patrol days; and
(c) a progressive move to a more targeted approach to inspection.
The number of inspections per patrol vessel is set out below for 1999 and 2006. Information on the number of inspections per vessel for 1997 and on the number of inspections per sortie is not readily available.
Number Vessel Leeds Castle 164 OPV Alderney 217 OPV Anglesey 39 OPV Guernsey 247 OPV Lindisfarne 222 OPV Orkney 169 OPV Shetland 187 OPV Berkeley 177 IPV Bicester 135 IPV Brocklesby 121 IPV Middleton 113 IPV Quorn 31 IPV Total 1,822 1 Collated from local records including inspections not recorded on Database.
Number Vessel Mersey 346 OPV Severn 306 OPV Tyne 373 OPV Cattistock 76 IPV Chiddingfold 75 IPV Hurworth 3 IPV Ledbury 59 IPV Quorn 41 IPV Total 1,279 IPV OPV =Offshore patrol vessel IPV = Inshore patrol vessel
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No patrol days have been lost by the River Class Offshore Patrol Vessels during the last 12 months. Each vessel undergoes two planned routine maintenance periods each year: one of nine days duration and one of 16 days duration. During the last 12 months all non-routine maintenance and repairs were carried out within the routine maintenance periods or at other times when the vessels were not engaged on operational duties.
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Under the new Fisheries Protection Agreement between the MOD and DEFRA, which is due to begin on 1 April 2008, the River Class Offshore Patrol Vessels will be available for a total of 700 days during the first 12 months of the agreement. Thereafter, their availability will be between 650 and 750 days in each year. Each River class vessel will also undergo two planned routine maintenance periods each year: one of nine days duration and one of 16 days duration. The Hunt Class Mine Countermeasure vessels will also provide additional Fishery Protection duties, as and when required, although they will not be contracted to provide a set number of days.
During the period 1 November 2006 to 31 October 2007, the dates when no River class patrol vessels were in operation on fisheries protection duties are shown in the following table.
Date(s) Reason November 2006 5, 16 2 day stand off December 2006 15, 16, 21-31 2 day stand off and 11 days Christmas leave January 2007 1, 2, 15, 16, 30,31 2 day Christmas leave and 2 days stand off February 2007 1, 2 COs conference March 2007 12, 13, 23, 24 2 day stand off and 2 days at Chatham Conference April 2007 27, 28 — May 2007 11, 12, 26, 27 4 day stand off June 2007 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Davit failure—all Rivers recalled for rectification July 2007 0 — August 2007 3, 4 2 day stand off September 2007 0 — October 2007 11 — Summary: 14 days—stand offs in the middle of patrols 13 days—Christmas leave—no vessels or aircraft tasked 4 days—attendance at conferences 5 days—Davit failure—all Rivers recalled 5 days—No Rivers 41 days—total days no Rivers on task