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Departmental Consultants

Volume 468: debated on Monday 26 November 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Justice what consultations were undertaken by his Department which have not been made open to the public in the last year. (164885)

My Department undertakes a range of consultation activities, which are open to the public and which include formal written public consultations, as well as other forms of engagement such as focus groups, public meetings and online discussion sessions. Our formal written consultation papers are conducted in accordance with the Government’s consultation code. Details of current consultations can be found at the Ministry of Justice website

My Ministry also conducts other forms of consultation where the intended audience is more limited. For example, this might include consulting interested groups of stakeholders on particular, discrete, specialised or technical topics, perhaps as an early part of policy development. Such consultation may be less accessible or open to the public and we do not keep a central record of this type of consultation or engagement.