The Chief Constable has provided the information in Table 1 in relation to firearm certificate applications.
20051 20062 2007 (to date) Granted Refused Granted Refused Granted Refused Applications 11,984 270 27,690 247 16,476 159 1 2005 statistics are available only from 1 February 2005 when a new computer system was introduced to take account of the provisions of the Firearms (Order) 2004. 2 The increased number of applications dealt with in 2006 reflects the carry forward of a significant backlog of cases received in 2005. Note: Applications received in 2005, 2006 and 2007 cannot be attributed by the computer system to individual District Command Units. Such analysis could be done only at disproportionate cost to public funds.
The figures for firearms appeals are given in Table 2.
Late appeals not accepted Refused Allowed Withdrawn Part refused/allowed 2005 7 45 4 5 1 2006 3 27 5 0 1 2007 3 26 4 0 0
As the result of an administrative error, an incorrect figure of 147 was recorded in an earlier PQ (123488) for applications refused in 2006. The figure should have read 247.