[holding answer 13 November 2007]: The information relating to the volumes and average value of all pension credit overpayments identified in the last three years are in the following table:
Volume Average value (£) 2004-05 23,000 240 2005-06 59,000 230 2006-07 169,000 547
The large increase in overpayments identified in 2006-07 reflects the Department’s effort in improving the management and recovery of overpayments and in reducing error in the benefits system, including the identification and removal of error from the pension credit caseload. The increase in average value in 2006-07 is due to the priority attached to tackling high value error and the fact that overpayments identified could have existed since the introduction of pension credit in October 2003.
Information relating to how much has been recovered from executors of deceased pension credit claimants is only available from 2006, and is in the following table. Information relating to how much is expected to be recouped is not available.
Amount recovered (£) 2006-07 4,869,000