DIUS currently employs a team of 7.2 FTE staff who are responsible for marketing and brand management. The team is responsible for marketing campaigns through the paid-for media—TV, press, radio—such as the current Student Finance Campaign—as well as delivery of DIUS information through key channels publications and the corporate website. The team ensures that appropriate branding is visible on all DIUS communications.
National Weights and Measures Laboratory
National Weights and Measures Laboratory employs 0.4 FTE staff responsible for brand management and marketing.
Intellectual Property Office
The only marketing undertaken in the UK-IPO is in relation to commercial services where 1.6 staff are currently engaged. Brand management is a very small part of the activity—less than 0.2 FTE.
For a limited time, one person from IPO was recently seconded to support the branding of a newly formed DIUS. This secondment will cease at the end of this year.