The Home Office is responsible for administering the national sports-based Positive Futures social inclusion Programme, Blueprint drug research programme and the Drug Interventions Programme. The Home Office is also jointly responsible with the Department of Health and Department for Children, Schools and Families for the management of the FRANK drug awareness campaign. The Home Office also contributes to and manages the cross-Government Young People Substance Misuse Partnership Grant.
Total expenditure on these drugs programme was captured within the Home Office departmental report for 2006-07 on our previous strategic objective that fewer people’s lives are ruined by drugs and alcohol. The relevant figures are set out as follows, including outturn figures for 2006-07 where an estimate was published previously:
Resource Capital Outturn 2003-04 96,351 0 2004-05 206,904 2,174 2005-06 184,468 800 2006-07 211,472 20,272 Planned 2007-08 192,876 1,500 Notes: 1. 2004-05 includes net in-year budget transfers of about £24,000, which were subsequently processed in line with PES 2005 12. 2. 2006-07 includes £17,459 misallocated capital that is being corrected. 3. 2006-07 and 2007-08 figures both exclude £11,273 resource disbursed as grants under local area agreements and now classified separately on the HM Treasury database. Source: HM Treasury database