The available data are given in the following table.
31 March 1997 31 March 1998 31 March 1999 31 March 20005 Police force Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Avon and Somerset 2,989 204 2,976 203 2,999 203 2,934 197 Bedfordshire 1,094 200 1,079 197 1,041 189 1,028 185 Cambridgeshire 1,302 188 1,291 184 1,274 179 1,237 172 Cheshire 2,046 209 2,042 208 2,071 211 2,011 204 Cleveland 1,459 261 1,483 266 1,416 255 1,404 252 Cumbria 1,144 233 1,164 237 1,126 229 1,084 220 Derbyshire 1,791 187 1,772 184 1,759 182 1,777 183 Devon and Cornwall 2,865 186 2,962 192 2,887 186 2,841 182 Dorset 1,284 189 1,310 192 1,279 186 1,306 189 Durham 1,461 240 1,515 249 1,568 258 1,558 256 Essex 2,961 197 2,928 193 2,891 190 2,806 183 Gloucestershire 1,133 205 1,104 198 1,104 197 1,114 200 Greater Manchester 6,922 268 6,949 270 6,810 265 6,795 264 Hampshire 3,452 198 3,490 199 3,473 197 3,419 193 Hertfordshire 1,759 205 1,740 202 1,724 198 1,767 201 Humberside 2,045 230 2,021 228 1,974 223 1,932 219 Kent 3,260 210 3,251 209 3,201 204 3,204 204 Lancashire 3,247 228 3,257 229 3,245 228 3,179 223 Leicestershire 1,949 211 1,983 214 1,993 215 1,993 215 Lincolnshire 1,196 196 1,191 193 1,140 184 1,115 179 London, City of6 859 — 825 — 778 — 732 — Merseyside 4,230 296 4,216 297 4,211 298 4,085 290 Metropolitan Police 26,677 367 26,094 356 26,073 352 25,485 341 Norfolk 1,432 185 1,430 184 1,381 176 1,381 175 Northamptonshire 1,177 196 1,169 193 1,137 186 1,117 181 Northumbria 3,677 256 3,769 263 3,840 269 3,788 266 North Yorkshire 1,338 183 1,367 186 1,337 181 1,283 173 Nottinghamshire 2,323 225 2,323 225 2,225 216 2,204 214 South Yorkshire 3,159 242 3,182 244 3,168 243 3,163 243 Staffordshire 2,211 209 2,292 217 2,238 211 2,170 204 Suffolk 1,180 180 1,186 179 1,190 179 1,145 171 Surrey 1,620 209 1,608 207 1,662 212 1,785 227 Sussex 3,085 211 3,038 206 2,847 191 2,822 188 Thames Valley 3,695 180 3,776 183 3,748 180 3,740 178 Warwickshire 926 186 924 185 908 180 900 178 West Mercia 2,040 183 2,010 180 2,025 180 1,887 166 West Midlands 7,113 270 7,156 271 7,321 278 7,194 274 West Yorkshire 5,209 247 5,155 244 4,982 236 4,822 228 Wiltshire 1,154 195 1,156 195 1,151 192 1,118 185
Police force Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Avon and Somerset 2,960 197 3,096 205 3,160 213 Bedfordshire 1,036 184 1,069 189 1,119 198 Cambridgeshire 1,296 179 1,362 187 1,391 196 Cheshire 2,002 204 2,059 209 2,137 217 Cleveland 1,407 253 1,461 263 1,592 294 Cumbria 1,048 213 1,100 224 1,154 237 Derbyshire 1,823 187 1,848 189 2,010 210 Devon and Cornwall 2,934 187 3,053 192 3,215 204 Dorset 1,354 196 1,381 198 1,422 205 Durham 1,595 263 1,614 266 1,662 281 Essex 2,887 178 2,946 181 3,007 186 Gloucestershire 1,173 209 1,183 209 1,237 219 Greater Manchester 6,909 268 7,217 279 7,391 298 Hampshire 3,435 193 3,480 195 3,707 208 Hertfordshire 1,922 184 1,825 174 1,977 191 Humberside 1,917 217 2,058 234 2,123 244 Kent 3,319 209 3,355 210 3,488 221 Lancashire 3,255 228 3,304 231 3,380 239 Leicestershire 2,033 217 2,100 224 2,147 232 Lincolnshire 1,202 191 1,198 189 1,236 191 London, City of6 703 — 764 — 811 — Merseyside 4,081 291 4,125 294 4,112 302 Metropolitan Police 24,878 351 26,223 366 28,231 404 Norfolk 1,420 178 1,468 183 1,509 189 Northamptonshire 1,157 186 1,214 194 1,222 194 Northumbria 3,857 272 3,929 278 4,018 290 North Yorkshire 1,305 175 1,417 188 1,452 193 Nottinghamshire 2,212 214 2,330 226 2,426 239 South Yorkshire 3,197 245 3,199 246 3,194 252 Staffordshire 2,129 201 2,133 201 2,224 212 Suffolk 1,133 168 1,203 177 1,258 188 Surrey 2,066 192 1,992 184 1,933 182 Sussex 2,855 188 2,893 190 3,037 203 Thames Valley 3,703 175 3,762 177 3,899 186 Warwickshire 926 182 969 190 1,000 198 West Mercia 1,951 171 2,018 176 2,267 196 West Midlands 7,423 283 7,681 293 7,832 307 West Yorkshire 4,815 228 4,889 230 5,037 242 Wiltshire 1,120 184 1,157 189 1,169 190
Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Total police officer strength (FTE) Total police officers per 100,000 population Avon and Somerset 3,417 229 3,398 225 3,439 226 3,430 224 Bedfordshire 1,199 210 1,232 215 1,225 213 1,204 207 Cambridgeshire 1,412 197 1,418 194 1,449 196 1,402 187 Cheshire 2,204 224 2,207 223 2,218 223 2,235 225 Cleveland 1,697 314 1,689 305 1,702 308 1,739 315 Cumbria 1,241 254 1,260 257 1,265 256 1,273 255 Derbyshire 2,084 216 2,082 213 2,073 212 2,049 209 Devon and Cornwall 3,311 208 3,399 212 3,540 219 3,523 216 Dorset 1,453 209 1,475 211 1,512 216 1,526 217 Durham 1,701 288 1,738 293 1,716 288 1,705 285 Essex 3,120 192 3,230 198 3,322 203 3,341 203 Gloucestershire 1,298 229 1,308 230 1,303 228 1,319 229 Greater Manchester 8,111 323 8,119 321 8,071 318 7,992 314 Hampshire 3,780 211 3,803 212 3,800 211 3,887 215 Hertfordshire 2,117 204 2,145 206 2,166 208 2,202 210 Humberside 2,231 256 2,252 255 2,232 251 2,235 251 Kent 3,621 228 3,630 227 3,648 227 3,720 229 Lancashire 3,579 252 3,585 251 3,635 253 3,628 252 Leicestershire 2,300 246 2,311 246 2,277 241 2,255 237 Lincolnshire 1,241 189 1,234 185 1,236 183 1,243 183 London, City of6 856 — 881 — 875 — 861 — Merseyside 4,129 303 4,339 318 4,302 315 4,441 325 Metropolitan Police 30,035 420 31,073 433 30,948 417 31,128 426 Norfolk 1,524 190 1,554 192 1,575 193 1,577 191 Northamptonshire 1,261 198 1,289 201 1,338 207 1,301 200 Northumbria 4,061 294 4,088 294 4,066 291 3,981 283 North Yorkshire 1,534 203 1,561 206 1,653 216 1,671 217 Nottinghamshire 2,507 245 2,522 245 2,512 243 2,445 235 South Yorkshire 3,307 261 3,307 260 3,305 259 3,289 256 Staffordshire 2,286 218 2,309 220 2,302 219 2,315 219 Suffolk 1,314 196 1,323 195 1,307 191 1 ,358 196 Surrey 1,942 183 1,959 184 1,967 184 1,963 183 Sussex 3,090 206 3,094 205 3,127 207 3,113 205 Thames Valley 4,103 195 4,189 198 4,288 202 4,260 199 Warwickshire 1,011 197 1,012 195 1,040 198 1,061 199 West Mercia 2,365 202 2,380 203 2,385 202 2,428 205 West Midlands 8,008 311 8,154 316 8,192 318 8,245 318 West Yorkshire 5,313 254 5,671 271 5,685 270 5,713 270 Wiltshire 1,225 198 1,229 198 1,230 196 1,208 192 1 This table contains full-time equivalent figures that have been rounded to the nearest whole number. Because of rounding, there may be an apparent discrepancy between totals and the sums of the constituent items. 2 Full-time equivalent excludes those on career breaks or maternity leave. 3 Figures for 1997 to March 2002 exclude those officers on career breaks or maternity/paternity leave. Therefore figures after March 2002 are not directly comparable with prior years. 4 Figures from April 2002 onwards include those officers who are on career breaks or maternity/paternity leave. Therefore figures before and after that date are not directly comparable. 5 Boundary changes on 1 April 2000 transferred some resources from the Metropolitan police to Essex, Hertfordshire and Surrey police forces. 6 Officers per 100,000 population for City of London and Metropolitan police are combined.