The information is not available in the format requested. However, the information in the table shows data for the years 2002-03 to 2005-06 for East Sussex hospital NHS trust, which Eastbourne district general hospital is a part of. Data prior to 2002-03 are not available in readily accessible form.
NHS hospitals England Finished consultant episodes 2005-06 940 2004-05 803 2003-04 846 2002-03 786 Notes: 1. Codes used for hip replacement operations were: total prosthetic replacement of hip joint (W37—W39) and prosthetic replacement of head of femur (W46—W48). 2. Finished consultant episode (FCE) An FCE is defined as a period of admitted patient care under one consultant within one health care provider. Please note that the figures do not represent the number of patients, as a person may have more than one episode of care within the year. 3. Ungrossed data Figures have not been adjusted for shortfalls in data (i.e. the data are ungrossed). 4. Finished consultant episode (FCE) with an operation A count of FCEs with an operation is the number of finished consultant episodes where the procedures were mentioned in any of the 12 (four prior to 2002-03) operative procedure fields in a HES record. A record is only included once in each count, even if a procedure is mentioned in more than one operative procedure field of the record. Please note that more procedures are carried out than finished consultant episodes with an operation. For example, patients undergoing a cataract operation would tend to have at least two procedures—removal of the faulty lens and the fitting of a new one—counted in a single finished consultant episode. Source: Hospital Episode Statistics (HES), The Information Centre for Health and Social Care