The information requested is not held centrally. It is the responsibility of individual national health service acute trusts to ensure that staffing levels are sufficient and do not compromise patient safety.
I have been asked to reply.
The information requested falls within the responsibility of the National Statistician, who has been asked to reply.
Letter from Karen Dunnell, dated 26 November 2007:
As the National Statistician I have been asked to reply to your question about how many births there were in Milton Keynes Hospital in each month in each of the last five years. (168047)
Figures on live births in hospitals are available from birth registration information. The latest available figures by place of birth are for 2005. The attached table shows the figures requested for the calendar years 2001 to 2005, for the General Hospital in Milton Keynes.
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 January 241 258 290 289 270 February 229 236 252 255 239 March 232 288 265 284 289 April 241 248 255 302 247 May 228 249 251 289 277 June 260 216 313 224 277 July 261 263 284 279 315 August 289 274 285 286 291 September 238 270 282 273 265 October 258 261 289 284 283 November 248 250 269 284 248 December 244 232 277 255 268 Total 2,969 3,045 3,312 3,304 3,269
Local national health service trusts are responsible for the provision of maternity services. This year NHS organisations, including Milton Keynes Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, have been required to review maternity services, including an assessment of their workforce capacity. A range of mechanisms are in place to support local recruitment of midwives if needs are identified, for example to enable midwives who are not practising to return to work in maternity services.