(2) what decant area has been identified at Milton Keynes hospital to facilitate the proposed deep clean;
(3) what the estimated cost is to deep clean each area of Milton Keynes hospital proposed for a deep clean.
[holding answer 26 November 2007]: As the Prime Minister made clear, deep cleaning will occur in all hospitals, starting this winter, with resources allocated through the strategic health authorities (SHAs). Each trust’s deep-clean plan will vary according to local need. Trusts will agree costed deep clean plans with their lead commissioners and SHA, who will monitor performance against this plan, as per normal performance management arrangements. Foundation trusts will also be invited to agree plans and funding for additional deep cleaning with local commissioners, together with local arrangements for checking the agreed work has been carried out. SHAs will take an overview as to progress across their area and will report to the Department.
Information on plans of individual trusts is therefore not routinely collected by the Department.