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Sports: Children

Volume 468: debated on Monday 3 December 2007

To ask the Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families pursuant to the answer of 20 November 2007, Official Report, column 661W, on sports: children, whether there are any targets set for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) physical development of babies and young children; how progress in this area will be assessed; and how much funding has been allocated to the EYFS. (168988)

The EYFS defines milestones in the form of Early Learning Goals which provide the basis for assessing children’s development at the end of the EYFS—normally at the end of reception class. Children’s progress during, and at the end of the EYFS (age five) when the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile will be completed, are based on observational assessment of them in everyday activities, by practitioners using their professional judgement. One of the 13 scales used to assess young children’s development at age five relates to physical development. Targets both at national level and local authority level relate to overall achievement across the Foundation Stage Profile, rather than specific targets relating to the physical development.

Government invest some £3 billion each year in the delivery of the free entitlement to nursery education for three and four-year-olds. Funding is provided to local authorities through the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) and covers provision delivered in accordance with the Foundation Stage Curriculum and the National Daycare Standards by providers in the maintained, private, voluntary and independent sectors (PVI). In addition, we announced in the summer over £4 billion Revenue and £893 million Capital three year (2008-11) allocations for local authorities of Sure Start, Early Years and Childcare Grant (SSEYCG) (formerly General Sure Start Grant). The Department has provided specific funding of an additional £7 million in each of 2007-08 and 2008-09 to LAs through the Standards Funds and the SSEYCG to support EYFS training of practitioners in schools and PVI settings.