Updated medical guidance on myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome for disability living allowance decision-makers was published in July 2007. The guidance is available on the Department's website. There are no current plans for further revision, but officials will continue to monitor new research and evidence in this area.
The guidance published in July 2007 was written in consultation with medical experts from relevant medical specialities, including an expert nominated by groups representing people with myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Consultation with groups representing people with CFS included three face-to-face meetings. Their comments and views were taken into account.
The Department did not use any specific scientific studies to inform the revision of its guidance to disability living allowance decision-makers, but used instead a range of recognised experts in the field to help with drawing up the guidance. This process included engagement with bodies representing people with myalgic encephalopathy and chronic fatigue syndrome.