(2) how many (a) secondary and (b) primary schools built under the Building Schools for the Future programme are planned for closure in each local authority area.
No schools which have been built or improved through Building Schools for the Future investment have closed or are planned for closure. Building Schools for the Future aims to renew all secondary schools in England where there is need in 15 waves of investment which started in 2005-06. Primary schools are not included in the Building Schools for the Future programme but in the Primary Capital Programme which starts in 2008-09 with 23 pathfinder authorities, and includes all authorities from 2009-10. Its aim is to improve at least 50 per cent. of all primary schools in 14 years, subject to future public spending decisions.
As authorities plan their investment in either of these programmes, they may include the closure of existing schools, for instance to reflect population movement. School organisation is a local matter, and there are clear statutory procedures including local consultation where changes to schools are proposed.