The UK is not party to discussions between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the government of Iraq. However, we understand that officials from the IMF continue to meet with representatives of the government of Iraq, both in the region and in Washington, to discuss progress on economic reform.
Such discussions include focus on implementing the government of Iraq's economic reform programme supported by the current IMF stand-by arrangement (SBA), approved on 23 December 2005. Following the completion of the most recent and fifth review under the SBA on 2 August 2007, the IMF executive board approved a three-month extension of the SBA until 28 December 2007, to allow an IMF policy framework to remain in place while preparations were undertaken for successor arrangements.
The government of Iraq and the IMF are currently preparing for these arrangements, which will build on the reforms identified in current and previous IMF programmes, to enhance macroeconomic stability and economic development in Iraq.
More details of the current programme, as well as reports from IMF staff and the government of Iraq's memorandums on economic and financial policies, are available on the IMF's website at: