The strength and proportion of civilian personnel employed within each salary band is shown as follows:
Headcount Strength Percentage Senior civil service and equivalent2 290 0.3 Pay Band B 2,520 2.5 Pay Band C 17,230 16.9 Pay Band D 12,430 12.2 Pay Band E 26,760 26.2 Other non-industrial 860 0.8 Industrial 13,600 13.3 Trading Fund staff 10,250 10.1 Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) 2,360 2.3 Locally engaged civilians 15,650 15.4 Total 101,940 100 1 Data include permanent and casual personnel employed by the Department, the Royal Fleet Auxiliaries, Trading Funds and locally engaged civilians. 2 The senior civil service was formed in 1996. The totals include about 50 personnel outside the senior civil service but of equivalent grade. 3 All strengths are rounded to the nearest 10. Totals and sub-totals have been rounded separately and so may not equal the sum of their rounded parts. Source: DASA (Quad-Service)
The Ministry of Defence employs staff in many hundreds of different roles. I have placed in the Library of the House a complete list of the departmental grades, job families and job codes.
(a) Staff in the non-industrial broader banded groups and industrial skill zones (excluding Trading Funds) are eligible to receive end of year bonus awards based on relative assessment of performance against their peers. In 2007 up to 75 per cent. of non-industrial staff and 100 per cent. of industrial staff could be awarded one of three tiers of bonuses. For the senior civil service, bonuses are used to reward excellent performance during the year and the award is based on a judgment of how well an individual has performed against their peers. Fixed term employees brought into the Department through fair and open competition have contracts which allow for payment of a non-consolidated, performance related bonus, usually of a maximum of 10 per cent. of basic salary. Individual performance is judged by line managers and, for those who are agency chief executives, there is an annual audit of performance against agency key targets. The Agency owner then takes a view of the individual's performance guided by the independent audit agency and the remuneration committee. MOD also operates a special bonus scheme to reward civilian staff for exceptional performance in a specific task or for the achievement of professional qualifications which benefit MOD and the individual. Staff in Trading Funds are subject to separate arrangements which meet their business needs.
(b) All MOD civil servants are eligible to belong to a pension scheme. Most belong to the principal civil service pension scheme (PCSPS)—although there are a number of different schemes under the overall PCSPS umbrella. Some analogue grades—such as lecturers, teachers and medical grades—belong to the pension scheme appropriate to that profession such as the teachers pension scheme, the Scottish teachers pension scheme and the NHS pension scheme.
(c) An MOD employed civil servant is eligible to claim for the reasonable extra expense of travel and subsistence while on official duty. This may mean travel expenses by public transport, official or private vehicle, the actual bed and breakfast costs where overnight accommodation is required and the reimbursement of actual and reasonable additional meal and refreshment costs while undertaking the official duty.
(d) The total costs directly attributed to civilian staff, for travel and subsistence since 2003-04 (excluding Trading Funds, details for which are not held centrally) are:
£ million 2003-04 117.01 2004-05 127.61 2005-06 133.69 2006-07 135.78
There are additional costs in respect of personnel movements which include car hire, for both military and civilian personnel, which are attributed to one accounting code, for which the civilian cost element can be separately identified only at disproportionate cost.
Travel costs prior to 2003-04 were attributed to a common accounting code for both military and civilian personnel. Costs for civilian personnel could be extracted only at disproportionate cost.
(e) The average age of departmental employees is shown as follows:
Average age Senior civil service and equivalent2 51.7 Pay Band B 48.4 Pay Band C 46.7 Pay Band D 44.8 Pay Band E 44.4 Other non-industrial 44.7 Industrial 47.4 Trading Fund Staff 42.5 Total 45.3 1. Data include permanent and casual personnel employed by the Department, but exclude Royal Fleet Auxiliary personnel and locally engaged civilians for whom age data are not centrally held. 2 The senior civil service was formed in 1996. The totals include about 50 personnel outside the senior civil service but of equivalent grade. Source: DASA (Quad-Service)
(f) The number of (i) women and (ii) men employed by the Department is shown as follows:
Headcount Female Male Total Senior civil service and equivalent2 40 250 290 Pay Band B 520 2,000 2,520 Pay Band C 4,730 12,500 17,230 Pay Band D 4,630 7,800 12,430 Pay Band E 14,880 11,870 26,760 Other non-industrial 630 230 860 Industrial 2,740 10,850 13,600 Trading Fund Staff 2,150 8,100 10,250 Sub total 30,320 53,610 83,930 Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA)3 4— 4— 2,360 Locally engaged civilians3 4— 4— 15,650 Total 4— 4— 101,940 1 Data include permanent and casual personnel employed by the Department, the Royal Fleet Auxiliaries, Trading Funds and locally engaged civilians. 2 The senior civil service was formed in 1996. The totals include about 50 personnel outside the senior civil service but of equivalent grade. 3 Gender data are not available for royal Fleet Auxiliary personnel and locally engaged civilian personnel. 4 Not available. Note: All numbers are rounded to the nearest 10. Totals and sub-totals have been rounded separately and so may not equal the sum of their rounded parts. Source: DASA (Quad-Service).
(g) The ethnic composition of the Department is shown as follows:
Headcount White Ethnic minorities Unknown Total Senior civil service and equivalent2 240 3— 50 290 Pay Band B 2,080 50 400 2,520 Pay Band C 14,020 400 2,820 17,230 Pay Band D 10,520 340 1,570 12,430 Pay Band E 22,430 880 3,450 26,760 Other non-industrial 660 30 170 860 Industrial 9,620 180 3,790 13,600 Trading Fund Staff 7,900 170 2,180 10,250 Sub total 67,450 2,060 14,430 89,930 Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA)4 5— 5— 5— 2,360 Locally engaged civilians4 5— 5— 5— 15,650 Total 5— 5— 5— 101,940 1 Data include permanent and casual personnel employed by the Department, the Royal Fleet Auxiliaries, Trading funds and locally engaged civilians. 2 The senior civil service was formed in 1996. The totals include about 50 personnel outside the senior civil service but of equivalent grade. 3 Value less than 10. 4 Ethnicity data are not available for Royal Fleet Auxiliary personnel and locally engaged civilian personnel. 5 Not available. Note: All numbers are rounded to the nearest 10. Totals and sub-totals have been rounded separately and so may not equal the sum of their rounded parts. Source: DASA (Quad-Service).