The external statistical publications produced by the Defence Analytical Services Agency are available on the DASA website at:
Information in some instances goes back as far as 2001 or 2000. UK Defence Statistics, the annual statistical compendium of the Ministry of Defence is available on the website back to 1997.
Prior to the establishment of the website, the following titles were published in printed form:
TSP01 - Strength, Intake and Outflow of UK Regular Forces (Monthly)
TSP02 - UK Armed Forces Full Time Strengths and Requirements (Quarterly)
TSP03 - UK Armed Forces Trained Strengths and Requirements (Monthly)
TSP04 - Quarterly Press Release
TSP05 - Trained Outflow to Civil Life (Quarterly)
TSP06 - Global Location of UK Regular Forces1 (Quarterly)
TSP07 - Reserve Forces (Annual)
TSP08 - Age Distribution (Annual)
TSP09 - Rank Structure of UK Regular Forces (Quarterly)
TSP10 - UK Regular Forces Stationed Location (Quarterly)
TSP11 - Marital Status by Paid Rank (Annual)
TSP13 - UK Regular Forces servicemen age on entry2 (Annual)
TSP15 - UK Service Personnel on loan to other countries2 (Quarterly)
TSP16 - UK Regular Forces disciplinary convictions2 (Annual)
TSP19 - Intake to and Outflow from UK Regular Forces (Annual)
TSP20 - Male Regular Forces outflow by rank2 (Annual)
TSP22 - UK Regular Forces comparative statistics2 (Annual)
TSP24 - Strength of uniformed medical staff2 (Annual)
CPS01 - Civilian Personnel Statistics (Quarterly)
CPS02 - Regional analysis of resignations for admin and science group staff1 (Quarterly)
1 TSP06 was merged into TSP10 from January 2007.
2 Publication discontinued.